Originally Posted by R.M.
BLM funding is going to white democrats. Bernie and Creepy Joe are the two top recipients. George Soros in the main money source.
Right, BLM funds are going to "Act Blue" which is a Democratic arm that has the correct tax write-off numbers. Hardly anyone in the media is sqwauking about it. It's the same number that was denied several tea party factions.
Yes, this is shake down money. Very similar to what Jesse Jackson did to companies in the 80s. Jackson would go to businesses and ask for a position on their board or various concessions. If he didn't get it a boycott would appear along with charges of racisim. Toyota finally told Jackson to fuck off. He wasn't able to organize a Toyota boycott and other businesses took notice. Actually I think what broke his streak on this was Toyota went to the big 3 networks and said if they publicized this, we won't advertise on your network.
Amazon is making BLM overtures. Why not? They have a hundreds of millions of dollars of assets on the streets every day. You aren't seeing Ammy trucks set ablaze often.
This is sick.