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Old 03-11-2020, 03:29 PM   #316
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Thank You - j666- One thing is correct - it is not the last word.

highly likely to be appealed to the SC, and access to grand jury "evidence" is likely to be denied.

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Old 03-11-2020, 06:43 PM   #317
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Justice Department must disclose secret Mueller grand jury evidence to Congress, appeals court finds

The Justice Department must release to congressional Democrats secret grand jury evidence lawmakers are seeking in ongoing investigations into President Trump, a federal appeals court in Washington ruled Tuesday.

The divided ruling, which can be appealed, is a victory for Democratic lawmakers in one of a set of separation-of-powers lawsuits filed before the House voted to impeach President Trump in December and before the Senate acquitted him in February.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld a lower court order that gives Congress access to certain secret material from Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The 2-to-1 decision is unlikely to be the final word and does not mean the redacted material from Mueller’s final report will be immediately turned over to Congress. The ruling can be appealed to the full court or to the Supreme Court.

Judge Judith W. Rogers found the House in its impeachment investigation was legally engaged in a judicial process that exempts Congress from secrecy rules that typically shield grand jury materials from disclosure. Grand jury records, she noted, are court records — not Justice Department records — and have historically been released to Congress in the course of impeachment investigations involving three federal judges and two presidents.

“Where the Department is legally barred from handing over grand jury materials without court authorization, judicial restraint does not empower Congress; it impedes it,” wrote Rogers, who was joined by Judge Thomas B. Griffith.


Stay on the lying bastards ass Nancy.
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Old 03-11-2020, 06:59 PM   #318
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Anthony Fauci undercuts Trump on the flu and other coronavirus assertions

Midway through a hearing Wednesday on Capitol Hill, a House Republican asked Anthony Fauci, a member of the president’s coronavirus task force, if he was offended by the idea that he could be prevented from speaking openly about the coronavirus by the Trump administration.

“With all due respect,” Fauci said, “I served six presidents and have never done anything other than tell the exact scientific evidence and made policy recommendations based on the science and the evidence.”

The rest of his testimony reinforced that Fauci isn’t exactly toeing anybody’s line. Over and over again, he differed with President Trump’s talking points that play down the threat posed by the novel coronavirus, and he even differed with decisions Trump has made.

Fauci didn’t come out and say “The president is wrong,” but he repeatedly offered a very different emphasis. In one particular instance, he roundly criticized a comparison Trump has trotted out repeatedly.

While Trump has throughout the coronavirus outbreak sought to minimize it by comparing it to the seasonal flu, Fauci noted the novel coronavirus is significantly more lethal.

“I mean, people always say, well, the flu does this, the flu does that,” Fauci said. “The flu has a mortality of 0.1 percent. This has a mortality rate of 10 times that. That’s the reason I want to emphasize we have to stay ahead of the game in preventing this."

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Old 03-12-2020, 04:38 PM   #319
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Trump’s Oval Office speech did the opposite of what it was supposed to do

In times of national crisis, people look to the president for direction, reassurance and confidence. President Trump’s Oval Office speech on Wednesday night provided precisely the opposite.

From the misstatements to the omissions to his labored demeanor, the president sent a message that shook financial markets, disrupted relations with European allies, confused his many viewers and undermined the most precious commodity of any president, his credibility.


The lying bastard and his administration are totally responsible for any public panic. They lied for weeks about China’s epidemic and downplayed the rapid spread. The stable genius and his loyalists own this fiasco.
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Old 03-12-2020, 04:59 PM   #320
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Of course - China has been totally truthful and transparent.

Fascist DPST have no shame in twisting everything the see/hear to Trump hate.

TDS on full view.

What, Oh what, will the FascistDPST's do in Jan 2025 when Pence takes the Oval Office???
Just more of same.

One trick Pony - Per Biden!
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Old 03-14-2020, 09:28 AM   #321
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Trump is breaking every rule in the CDC’s 450-page playbook for health crisis

Amid an outbreak where vaccines, drug treatments and even sufficient testing don’t yet exist, communication that is delivered early, accurately and credibly is the strongest medicine in the government’s arsenal.

But the Trump administration’s zigzagging, defensive, inconsistent messages about the novel coronavirus continued Friday, breaking almost every rule in the book and eroding the most powerful weapon officials possess: Public trust.


Pence has a group of folks convinced the fat lying bastard can do no wrong with his daily news briefs. I’m waiting for the day peter puffer pence claims the lying bastard has been sent by god to save mankind.
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Old 03-17-2020, 02:57 PM   #322
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Trump says he knew coronavirus was a pandemic 'long before' it was declared

President Trump on Tuesday said that he realized that the coronavirus outbreak was a pandemic before the World Health Organization (WHO) labeled it as such last week.

"This is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic," Trump said at a press conference with his coronavirus task force. "All you had to do was look at other countries."


That fat lying bastard should have told his loyalists, now their emptying out the Walmart’s in a panic......blue Tsunami
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Old 03-17-2020, 07:39 PM   #323
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j666 is just melting down - nothing constructive from the Fascist DPST's - except to Kowtow to China - which accuses the US miliary of crating the Wuhan virus that begsn in wuhan - possibly in the chinese biologic warfare labs there.

all they got is "Trump Lies" - so pathetic.

marching lockstep with comrade Xi - their admired leader.

try free speech in china - and find out the wrong of 7.62mm.

Pitiful fascist DPST's and their LSM - j666 is just a Chinese parrot.
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Old 03-18-2020, 07:31 AM   #324
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Oh yeah, there’s a meltdown happening. The fat lying bastards loyalists are melting down standing in line at Walmart pissing and moaning about rationing and lack of items.

But their stock of shit sandwiches is plentiful
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Old 03-21-2020, 09:16 AM   #325
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Old 03-21-2020, 09:20 AM   #326
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Who do yous believe on this, Rexsy?

Hopefully you’re not stupid enough to be circulating in public’s. Then who’s would oebsy have to play to?

You believe this fuck doesn’t lie to yous?

That’s right, he knows yous don’t know the difference.
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Old 03-21-2020, 11:03 AM   #327
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Oh yeah, there’s a meltdown happening. The fat lying bastards loyalists are melting down standing in line at Walmart pissing and moaning about rationing and lack of items.

But their stock of shit sandwiches is plentiful

Thank you for the usual name-calling and scatology - the two mahor interests of Fascist DPST's like j666 adn ilk.

Pity them - it is all they have.
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Old 03-25-2020, 12:17 PM   #328
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All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

On the Nature of the Virus

When: Friday, February 7, and Wednesday, February 19
The claim: The coronavirus would weaken “when we get into April, in the warmer weather—that has a very negative effect on that, and that type of a virus.”
The truth: It’s too early to tell if the virus’s spread will be dampened by warmer conditions. Respiratory viruses can be seasonal, but the World Health Organization says that the new coronavirus “can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather.”

When: Thursday, February 27
The claim: The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.”
The truth: Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned days later that he was concerned that “as the next week or two or three go by, we’re going to see a lot more community-related cases.”

When: Monday, March 23
The claim: If the economic shutdown continues, deaths by suicide “definitely would be in far greater numbers than the numbers that we’re talking about” for COVID-19 deaths.
The truth: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that, in a worst-case scenario, 200,000 to 1.7 million Americans could die from COVID-19, The New York Times reports. Other estimates place the number of possible deaths at 1.1 million to 1.2 million. According to the CDC, suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. But the number of people who died by suicide in 2017, for example, was roughly 47,000—nowhere near the COVID-19 estimates.

Blaming the Obama Administration

When: Wednesday, March 4
The claim: The Trump White House rolled back Food and Drug Administration regulations that limited the kind of laboratory tests states could run and how they could conduct them. “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing,” Trump said.
The truth: The Obama administration drafted, but never implemented, changes to rules that regulate laboratory tests run by states. Trump’s policy change relaxed an FDA requirement that would have forced private labs to wait for FDA authorization to conduct their own, non-CDC-approved coronavirus tests.

When: Friday, March 13
The claim: The Obama White House’s response to the H1N1 pandemic was “a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now.”
The truth: Barack Obama declared a public-health emergency two weeks after the first U.S. cases of H1N1 were reported, in California. (Trump declared a national emergency more than seven weeks after the first domestic COVID-19 case was reported, in Washington State.) While testing is a problem now, it wasn’t back in 2009. The challenge then was vaccine development: Production was delayed and the vaccine wasn’t distributed until the outbreak was already waning.

On Coronavirus Testing

When: Friday, March 6
The claim: “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”
The truth: The country’s testing capabilities are severely limited. Many states have experienced a lack of testing kits, as my colleagues Alexis Madrigal and Robinson Meyer have reported. Trump made this claim one day after his own vice president, Mike Pence, admitted that “we don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.”

When: Wednesday, March 11
The claim: In an Oval Office address, Trump said that private health-insurance companies had “agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments, extend insurance coverage to these treatments, and to prevent surprise medical billing.”
The truth: Insurers agreed only to absorb the cost of coronavirus testing—waiving co-pays and deductibles for getting the test. Follow-up treatments aren’t covered. Neither are the costs of other non-coronavirus testing or treatment incurred by patients who have COVID-19 or are trying to get a diagnosis. And as for surprise medical billing? Mitigating it would require the cooperation of insurers, doctors, and hospitals.
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Old 03-25-2020, 12:23 PM   #329
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Still nothing constructive for the issues the nation faces!!
just the usual bleating and bloviating, j666
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Old 03-25-2020, 12:38 PM   #330
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Default Hey Oeb11...take a look take this advice


Best way to discard Fake news and Trumps inability to be a real leader.
Dr Fauci has the answer..

Thx Doc.

Its a good start
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