Originally Posted by KCJim
Should I just ignore the woman. She is not affiliated with this board at all. And wait till she makes the next step?
Does anyone have an attorney on the KS side they would recommend?
I suggested an attorney because: just in case you will need one, you have one lined up to respond to the police. Maybe it is a little much, if you don't have any experience with this sort of thing.
Many years ago, I had three dates with a young lady. On the third date it was shown how crazy this woman really was, just disconnected ideas and a lack of reason - too strange for me. I took her home and didn't call her again. No sex, or anything like it ever happened. The only kiss was a peck on the cheek at the door on our last date.
About 6 to 8 weeks later I got a call from the police to come in for an interview. I took a lawyer with me. It turns out she had accused. I listened to the cop with the attorney, and didn't say a word. The cop even said they had tests run that proved I did it. At the end of the interview: my attorney responded with "we have no statement to make at this time".
That was the last of it. They have to prove you are guilty; you don't have to prove anything. The cops lie all the time, they did not have any tests.
So, the main point is "shut the fuck up". Ignore her. If the police call, you say nothing at all, because you don't have to respond in anyway.
Go to the sites that I put up, and watch the presentations: learn what not to do.