Originally Posted by casey5252
I would rather not see this site torn apart internally by it's own members. It's time to stop now.
I have not yet begun to fight.___Capt. John Paul Jones
And what have you done to contribute to improve the conditions? Other than to criticize.
Originally Posted by casey5252
Boomer do like I did and others put that idiot on your ignore list he posts smartass responses to others because he's a coward hiding behind the anonymity of this site. LOL he wouldn't dare smart off to you in person. Now ..Holddik smart off to me becaus
And who the fuck are you to be calling names, asswipe? I haven't even called either one of you "bitches" yet at that point!!! But you go off on me because you'd rather stroke some wimp's ego?
"becaus" what? You're an imbecile?
Kiss my ass. Go pound sand up your twat also while you're at it why don't you.

Well I do dare smart off to you fag! You can hide behind your keyboard and criticize about my behavior? Let me remind you, jackwad.
Who started name calling? You! You fucking crybaby. And now you want to be a sanctimonious cunt and cry for peace? Fuck you casey! You're nothing but a worthless non-reviewing lurker with a narrow mind and a
Complete ASS. Why don't you
go self-copulate? So who's the idiot now?
I would welcome NEW BLOOD to the forum. But
menstrual blood at the end of a tampon used by both of you bitches isn't new blood. You need to go down the toilet. That's all you'll ever be good for, tard. In a pile of shit. That kind of blood, PUSSY BLOOD, that you bring would taint the pool with so much fucking ESTROGEN there wouldn't be any testosterone left for any pussy pounding reviews. We all might as well have damn tea sandwiches with a spot of tea in the fucking rose garden you fertilized with your own manure. Read reviews of how so-and-so had a wonderful afternoon having his ego and his pussy stroked by his
paid pudenda princess on a pedestal while you drank pink champagne out of her glass slipper. Just waaaay fucking GAY! OK? Get it casey?
Because if so, then this SHMB might as well be DONE. Dead and gone. Our providers are no longer allowed to advertise in here. Don't you think that if she did such a wonderful job of making you walk on air even for an hour, or a day, that you could at the very least do her the favor of writing the best review of her you possibly can without blowing shit out of proportion and resort to embellishing. Like what fuckwad boomtard was insinuating that people who took time to do their provider justice were actually doing. Now that's really insulting. And fuck you boomer. What do you know? You couldn't even write an informative and erotic review that puts your chosen ginch in the best light possible.
And you call yourself an experienced hobbyist? Who the fuck do you think you're lying to?
And casey, I dare you to pound that RTM button if there's no
truth to what I just called you out on.
I fuckin' double damn dare you! You can go pound her pud, or go pound sand. Or even go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut! I really couldn't give a fuck. What I do give a fuck about is the quality of the contents of your damn reviews. If that's all our ladies have left to be able to let their talents be known, do your damnedest best.
Or do like you casey, which is, NOTHING AT ALL! You and your kind disgust me.

And you know I never ever play nice.
So now, how are you going to defend your actions following boomer? Still feeling pretty good about yourself, you ass? And BTW, the
real cowardly chickenshit here is your asshole buddy boomtard. Didn't have the stomach to survey that which he started down a slippery slope. Pathetic