Originally Posted by Muscleup
I think it should be scaled. This allows for the young and unskilled to have the chance to learn how to work and become a valuable asset. If you have the right attitude and skill, you will not have to worry about a minimum wage. Just the lazy and worthless (in other words, Liberals) will bitch about a "guaranteed living wage".
14 to 18 yrs old: $1/hour
19 to 21 yrs old: $5/hour
over 21 yrs old: $10/hour
some states have a scalable wage, but not along those lines.
I think some states does have teen min. wage for those under 18.
some states have scalable wages based on the size of the business.
don't know how other states have theirs set up, but it may be similar to this example...
01 - 20 employees = 7.25
21 - 50 employees = 9.25
51 - 80 employees = 11.25
over 81 employees = 15.00
this reflects the reality of running a business and it also ensures that no big companies (McDonalds/Burger King) can take advantage of wage increase by dominating the market.