Escort Relationships
To all the escorts out there, how does this life interact with your day job so to speak? Same for friends or family.
Do you separate this lifestyle from them or does your family, spouse, BF/ GF know what about it? If they do, I would think it would play a part in your real relationship, or is your partner into Cuckholding? Is it something’s that’s talked about if they do know or is it just kept secret that they know about but leave it over there? What do you say when you have to go for an appointment so often if they don’t know it’s going on?
Are you worried about seeing clients out in public while you’re with family and one of them being an idiot and saying something?
The sociology is interesting to me how this role plays into your day-to-day. It takes a big pair to put yourself out there for others, especially in such an intimate way.