Originally Posted by Twistedm3tal
Jesus you guys are bangin 50 year old broads and your proud of it. I wouldnt admit to something like that. Ive never been to an amp and i probbly never will after seeing these reviews you guys are nasty as hell.
A) many of us were 50 a long time ago so these 50 year old broads as you call them are younger than we are
B) these Asian gals know how to turn 50 into 30 by using a little makeup and keeping the lights dim. And by the way, they are rarely overweight
C) we aren’t necessarily “banging” any of them. Some people just want a good massage and a happy ending.
D) those that do opt for FS have experienced the likes of some very HOT young ladies, not necessarily the 50 year olds that you are talking about
So to each their own, I read plenty about the misfortunes that go along with “banging” 20 year old escorts. We all find our way to what works for us and it’s all good brother.