have seen her a couple times at girls apartments whom she set me up with. how a man could gain and keep an erection for something like that is beyond me.
the girls she set me up with though were always attractive and great service and price.
they tended to have a pattern. the pretty good looking ones tended to be relatively speaking fairly normal and coherent and not a big risk
she also had at least 3 i seen that were pro queen , playmate movie star looks, they tended to be fucked up beyond repair a step or two from jail or the grave giving me that rare chance to fuck someone like that even if they werent aware i was. i always hoped they wouldnt drag me to jail or the crypt with them
these days aires does not answer requests about oother girls and as i have never and never would consider fucking her or getting a bj [ despite them being highly rated] i think we wont cross paths again except maybe at burger king