Originally Posted by themystic
Is it CB?. I listened to the GOP slam Obama on religious issues for 8 years. He wasnt the right kind of Christian. I can , do and will make presumtions on what Jesus would think of TrumPutin and the phony evangelicals who support him. There is a whole book written about what he thought. It damn sure aint what you people think. CB I think you are the one that needs the ego check. Just refer to youre many commenbts about Obama and his spiritual beliefs. Kind of a double standard
I thought we were discussing Trump...ie: his sincerity per his faith...Jesus feeling contempt for DJT's claims of being a born again Christian....but hey, if you wanna go there, fine....

I'll give Odummer a pass for his association with the (retired) Rev Jeremiah Wright since he joined his church (Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago) while in his early thirties. (and maybe he simply "didn't know")...... Barry, as we all know, denounced him later (only after) Wright's hate-filled speeches became "an issue".
But...I can't give him a pass for doing the photo-op with Farrakhan (let alone finding himself in the same zip code as that hate-monger).
Barry knew exactly who this guy was and what he stood for and STILL held court with him and his "disciples". Don't even try convincing me (let alone yourself) that Odummer was there to "convert" this despicable steaming pile of poo....we both know better, yes?
Say what you wish about Trump's "grab 'em by the pussy" remark.....we had that audio long before the election (and) voters were able to make their choice having knowledge of that incident.
This photo was never released until after Odummer's two terms. I'd like to know the results of either election had we (voters) been given the opportunity to decide (with this photo being made public). Unfortunately that's not a choice we were given.....