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Old 02-20-2018, 07:26 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You would not know you fucking idiot.

that is the point.

Flynn's son was reposting Russian bots nonsense about Clinton running some sex ring out of a DC pizza parlor!

You’re the idiot. Those Russian scammers posted an anti Trump rally after the election on FB. CNN, MSNBC and Micheal Moore promoted it!! The Russians duped them. And you too, you probably attended it. Trumps right, the Russians are laughing their asses off! BTW, the Russians didn’t “hack” anything. Podesta, the idiot, opened his email to everyone. Most of the Russians activity on social media came AFTER the election. God you’re stupid.
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Old 02-20-2018, 07:48 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That was a question I had....but if you listen to this guy all the way through....the Russians have stepped up the cyber game and we can not compete because we have a much more open society and privacy laws.

He compared it to us living in a glass house and them in a mud hut.....so instead of rocks we might consider spraying water. They want a rock fight.

So to say we all do it is true but not the whole truth.

He said our military used to check their military and our government used to counter their government moves....this is new, since 2015. Which explains the prior administration not doing as much, it is new .
It was a long winded way of saying "fake news."

Nothing new. The media starting to CYA.
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Old 02-20-2018, 08:43 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
God you’re stupid.
No need to talk about God like that
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Old 02-20-2018, 09:30 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
No need to talk about God like that
I know, you’re a commie atheist!
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Old 02-21-2018, 12:54 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
That was interesting. My question is why this Russian hacking / interference in our elections so surprising? We do it. We have for years and every major country most likely does it to some extent. I'm not saying we shouldn't try and stop it or limit its success but to act like this is just unheard of is stupid. Hell obama sent 300 plus thousand dollars to a group to influence Israeli elections and nobody seemed to think anything of that. I guess the only reason this is a big deal now is because crooked hillary lost. If she would have won all this would have been swept under the rug.
Not just in Israel, but in Ireland for their Gay marriage vote, and in the UK for the Brexit vote..

We've messed / interfered in many other country's elections, so why all the hoopla when some other country does it to us?

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
So, the American Electorate is just too damned stupid to sift through all of the cyber crap.

I am much more worried about a Main Stream Media that has sold it's integrity down the river in pursuing a single agenda and overwhelmingly supporting one political party..
And now Mueller's categoritically shown there was no collusion, just look at how quickly some of the Lying suckheads in the LSM are backtracking their rants "that all this was was collusion etc"..

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Our founding fathers saw fit to give The Press, in the 1st Amendment a special place in our society by guaranteeing their freedom to print and say things without repercussions from a tyrannical Government.

They did not foresee a time when the press would use that power to push an agenda of their own and back the platform of a political party hell bent on destroying the very tenants of American Society.
Which is why i no longer believe they DESERVE that 1st amendment protection.
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Old 02-21-2018, 07:05 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
If they are better at this than us?????... the expert says they are and why.

And he says the solution is to do something to them we are better or threaten to do so unless they stop.

Trump has done nothing!

By doing nothing, he is in fact colluding with the fucking Russians and his buddy Putin.

Why do you think our intelligence groups are scratching their fucking heads at Trump inaction? It makes it appear the God damn dossier is true or by sanctioning the Russians , it will hurt Trumps businesses.

That is why I said Trump was Clinton 2.0.

He did not divest his business interest as he should....his fucking son is over in China now reviving old business deals and meeting government officials.

If Clinton did that you'd be shitting a Benghazi tree.
Maybe they're not better at this shit. After all they got caught. You are a simpleton that can't help but spout the liberal talking points. Here you are now claiming this is "collusion". Give me a break.

If as you say Trump is Clinton 2.0 why bitch? You know you would be praising all things Clinton if crooked hillary was in the White House. I guess if she was POTUS then our relationship with Russia would be great because she did give them the reset button. I mean how much more could you ask for.
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Old 02-21-2018, 07:19 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
All the news channels cater to their base....including Fox

The point is, Fox News is catering to Russian bots and you it seems....that should alarm you.

You are now siding with Putin. You sound like Putin..."Everybody does it!".

Everyone was not doing what Russia was doing. Russia changed the game in 2015.

Is it smart on their part? Yes.

Are we stupid for not responding harshly? Hell yes we are.

That is the point, Trump is not responding in kind. Why is that? Why is he making excuses for Russia? Why has he now gotten you making excuses for Russian interference on our elections like it is no big deal.

If Russia invaded us and install trump as President, would you look at Trump the same?

that is basically wtf is happening.
A couple of questions for you.

How is Fox catering to Russian bots?

How does catering to your base justify completely false stories presented as news?

How does my statement that we do the same type of interference make me sound like Putin?

Are we stupid for not responding? Maybe you should be asking Obama. After all this started long before Trump was even in the race for POTUS and Obama knew about it. Do you honestly believe that if HRC had won any of this shit would be an issue? You know damn well that the left was so sure that she would win they didn't care one fucking bit about the Russians and their interference. They were so confident in her victory that all the shit that is coming to light about their misdeeds would never be investigated so they didn't give it a second thought.

I'm not making excuses for the Russians. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy.
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Old 02-21-2018, 08:27 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post

If as you say Trump is Clinton 2.0 why bitch? You know you would be praising all things Clinton if crooked hillary was in the White House. I guess if she was POTUS then our relationship with Russia would be great because she did give them the reset button. I mean how much more could you ask for.
You are lying about me praising Clinton....I did not vote for that corrupt bitch just like I did not vote for that lying POS who has made you think he will put the countries interest above his.

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Old 02-21-2018, 09:10 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
A couple of questions for you.

How is Fox catering to Russian bots?

Repeating their bullshit.

How does catering to your base justify completely false stories presented as news?

Ask Fox News

How does my statement that we do the same type of interference make me sound like Putin?

Because I have already explained that Putin/Russia has upped the game vis cyber war on social networks. You listened to the video but it seems you want to only hear what you already believe. That belief is brought to you by Putin and Trump. Ask yourself..."Why is trump making excuses for Putin?" That is wtf the intel community has been doing.

Are we stupid for not responding? Maybe you should be asking Obama. After all this started long before Trump was even in the race for POTUS and Obama knew about it You need to understand how elections work....by the time the Obama administration was aware of the extent, their hands were tied as he did not want to appear to be helping Clinton. . and Do you honestly believe that if HRC had won any of this shit would be an issue? Trump thought he was going to lose and was already going to call this all into question.

I'm not making excuses for the Russians. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy.
I'm pointing out your ignorance in this matter. Not that you are ignorant but in this matter you appear to be very much so.
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