Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
Being A Lady In Public & A Stone Cold Freak Between The Sheets...
I've no desire what so ever to read the R.O.S., growing-up a Bit Bookish I'm far to modest to read a recount of what I've done behind closed doors. In as far as being Subjugated, the O.P. has neglected to recognize Men are way more intelligent than she gives them credit for. True Ladies recognize we dictate how we will be treated and if a Man dose not want to behave as a Gentleman they are easily dismissed.
I disagree with some of this but as usual you make good points and do so in a very dignified manner. I could never argue with a woman who would clearly best me at every nuance of the english language. So please dont take the following as such. Put simply I would not have a proper rebuttal.
Giving the opportunity most all men in a male only setting i.e. the ros or mens locker room will revert to less gentlemanly conduct. Not to say he is not a true gentleman just a man in a man only environment. Our behavior in a male only setting is less restrictive than that of mixed company. I dont think that makes us any less dignified. We simply behave as the circumstances dictate or that we feel comfortable with in a certain environment. I am not comfortable discussing sex acts with women I meet in a room of mixed company no more than I am on a message board on the internet. I am however very comfortable doing so in an area deemed private and for male eyes only on a escort review board. See there is a difference.
I find speaking about a womans sexul perfomace fine in the context that we do here in the ros or the locker room. I would never think to speak that way about a women around women or where I knew women would read what was said. Now I dont think of myself as much of a gentleman far from it but I do understand such things should only be spoken up in private and then shared amongst other men interested in the subject matter. Then using it to make decisions on who they would like to meet.
The only reason its ok here is because we use that information to base our decisions on who we want to see next. I would not have the same discussions with my non hobby male friends about civilians I see as those women are not putting themselves up for the use of the group in a financial arrangement for sexual services.
So I think you can still be a gentlemen or at least act as such and yet still speak of things that are from from gentlemanly in a supposed private men only area designated strictly for said purpose. It seems that some forget the express purpose of this board is the exchange of information in regards to procuring prostitutes for sexual services. That as lowly and disgusting as it may sound is the simple and most basic truth.
So while I walk the fence on showing proper respect for you ladies in the public areas I along with my brethren do let our hair down so to speak in our private areas that you ladies should never see or know about. I dont think that makes us any less of gentlemen and I would hope you do not blame us for speaking about things in private that we would never dream to speak of in your company.
Regardless of what transpired to make the op pose the original question I think it would be best to let this die now. I see nothing good coming from it other than the pics that baby and nino posted. Thanks ladies for sharing such lovely pictures