Originally Posted by Bellalovesamore
Is anyone else here tired of forum drama?.... Honestly... I'm here to have a good time and make new friends...what about y'all? 
I rarely use forums, but when I do, it's mostly for business. I then can have fun with chosen clients.
Friends are the last thing that I'd want from here (male or female), as I already have a plethora of RL friends who find the "hobby" very distasteful, so even if I wanted to make new provider friends, I would feel uncomfortable inviting them to have any connection with my established friends.
If you don't enjoy something you've read on a board, my advice is to ignore it, and move along or use the forums less often.
I've noticed that since you've arrived, you are very active and that you have something to contribute to almost EVERY topic. Maybe instead of constantly sharing, try absorbing what other people say on the forums. It's not a requirement to reply to every topic to be a member on most boards.
Hope this helps!~kisses!