Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
was Obama et al's (susan rice, samantha power, that young obnoxious kid, cant think of his name) handling of the bergdahl debacle a mistake of Obama's?
well seen through the eyes of Americans, yes
but it wasn't a mistake to Obama, it was purposeful and right and he's proud
there is no apology to expect, no second guessing or remorse or acknowledgment of error
the sullying of the white house, the rose garden; presidential praise reserved for heroes now cheapened and shared forever with bergdahl, Obama's mindset is undisturbed
the leftwing media wont even take notice or give it a thought, hell, they think rights come from government and are amazed at anyone thinking rights are inherent with the individual, so don't expect any media review
there is a great chasm in this country
The hero worship of BHO continues by the MSM. Looking at the major news sites, they either don't have this story or it's buried. There are pregnant Kardashians to cover!