Originally Posted by Alchemist2u
What do the 'gents'get for their Cnote???
Traveling girls that don't use eccie and a vouch system that eccie could really use. It's another way of not having all of your eggs in one basket. I've been around for a long time and have seen many sites taken over by the fbi, go under, sell to another sites... I use several sites because some aren't popular in some places when they are in others. If the fbi shuts down eccie or I get banned right now I still have plenty of other places I post and have reviews for my verification. Eraps, aspd, escorts, home, myredbook, naughtyreviews, rs2000... all have come and gone. Date-Check is sketchy as hell with owners in legal trouble...theeroticreview has turned into crap...bp is under legal fire and going the way of cl... new sites pop up and get big like gbbgclubny and skipthegames. The hobby is constantly changing and evolving.