Even I have my limits Whispers...four colors in a long block of text is just too hard to follow for anyone watching. We'd have to put epilepsy warnings up because of all the freaking colors in such quick succession.
Suffice it to say that you are really far off...we both know it. You've said in previous posts that the girl you're seeing has student loans and yet you change your mind when it's convenient to your argument.
As for putting the poor girl that has to put up with you down?! Where did I express such a sentiment? I see her as your victim in this situation because she's not getting paid what she's worth and you are fully aware and enjoying the fact that you are getting a deal at her expense.
Now as to what I'm willing to sell my ass for?! I can't sell it only rent it! I'll have you know it's a nice car stereo that I want and after installation would be worth about an hour of time spent with my ass. If I wasn't renting out my ass some other small business owner or company would be making me smile at strangers and I've had a few civie jobs where I was out and out encouraged to directly flirt with the customers....for 8 hours a day and a
day's pay at those jobs was
far less than a car stereo or getting the brakes on my car fixed.
Call me what you want if it helps you feel better but if
someone is going to be profiting off my ability to smile and be accommodating to strangers then that person should be
In any case...did y'all hear that? According to Whispers I'm practically giving away my time when I offer it in exchange for 1) mild body work on car 2) new sound system + the installation of it 3) getting my brakes fixed So don't let this offer pass you by!!! If you'd been wanting to see me but I was a bit out of your budget or if you're in any of those businesses and it'd cost you almost nothing to provide those things for barter then NOW IS THE TIME!
Originally Posted by Whispers
Really Reya/Leah? Am I really that far off?