Ah well just "love the life you live and live the life you love"....... Whatever the reason any of us exists here in this hobby is individual and if it's not to harm others it's all good
I've said this before.....I never took escorting 101 in college lol. But I could add to that we never took school of hard knocks 101 there either. We all do as we please in our own comfort levels ......says the traveling wayward gal who obtained many degrees, many avenues of business adventure and chose to just have fun and make money in the process. Most call that entrepreneurship. In layman's terms I can say that making money having fun makes more sense than having a job you hate lol. Thank you all again for great input, the good bad and the ugly .....you all make me smile and keep on keeping on
Ladies! I love you! Kayla and Amber you guys Rock! Even PM and JB make me smirk a bit......above all.....when I have human personal interactions with most.....ya'll are just Teddy bears I wanna hug, you can puke on that a bit if you like but whatever. I am here when I want to be, gone when I don't, and love every bit!