Originally Posted by Shelby2016
Review Shelby2016
In my Statistics it shows 1 Review, yet if you follow the thread started by Beyondthere, you see that Capthat and SmokinMarley have also Reviewed-although In The Thread, as has Slyweed. See the links below. How can these be reflected in one place, combined and my total amount of Reviews UP'd?
With Reviews being so important to the Hobby, I'm hoping you can help? Thanks!
The review that you linked above, has not been assigned at this time (it was posted today). Please be patient. Reviews will be assigned in due time.
If you have reviews that are wrongfully assigned, please list the links on this thread and the staff will reassign them. Please allow us at least 24 hours to comply with your request.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to PM me.