I agree with some of your sentiments, most appropriately that after a disappointing session, you really do wonder WTF you spent that much money for... I mean for $200 or more you could go gamble at the casino, etc etc etc... Providers sometimes don't realize that for some folks, their fee is a stretch that they treat themselves with, not "their" money that they are somehow entitled to for showing up.
Regardless, it does indeed, as some have pointed out, that she agreed for more money, and you obliged her by "tipping" and even giving her more money. Don't do it... it just increases your disappointment. Tip only if you walked out wondering what your name was...
Anyway, first thing to do is
WRITE A REVIEW. Do you want someone else to end up as disappointed as you are? If she has good reviews, you need to balance that out with truth. That's why this place exists, to exchange information, good, bad or indifferent. It might save someone else the disappointment you suffered, maybe even ME!
It takes me a few months to get a bad one out of my system, as it really does suck to lay out money, get all excited, and then get let down, so part of it is the backlash cognitively of such build up. Maybe you're investing too much in anticipation? I've found that
more information usually means I have a realistic assessment of what I'm going to get out of it, which helps avoid disappointment. (and your review helps provide that information!)
Think of it this way, you gave YOURSELF a present, it just wasn't as good as you'd hoped. It's like an expensive meal... you've already bought it when you ate it, so enjoy what you can, and just move on and never eat there again.
But always let other folks know what the food is like
Hope that helps, and I hope you find someone willing to make your Holidays Happier!
Play safe everyone, and enjoy!