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Old 12-17-2015, 03:12 PM   #1
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Default Dry season in Las Vegas

So I came to Las Vegas expecting at least a few clients a day.. But that's not happening. I'm so disappointed. Any tips? Suggestions? Should I scout club,bars, casinos etc etc and move offline in Vegas? I hear you pick up more clients scouting then actual online work. Anyone can confirm or deny that.?
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Old 12-17-2015, 05:21 PM   #2
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I've heard from some of the local ladies that touring Vegas can be hard. Honestly I didn't see any ads from you. Advertising on numerous places like, ter which is the best place to advertise in Vegas, eccie, Eros, date check, p411. Don't bother with backpage not a great place to advertise in Vegas. Give enough notice to the guys that you are visiting Vegas. Also I don't know if you are looking to see tourists on the strip or the local guys in Vegas? I've noticed several traveling girls jack up their rates in Vegas so perhaps the tourists might pay the high rates but the local guys like myself would rather see the ladies who are reasonable with their rates. Not all of us guys who live in Vegas are rich so that's your call on what kind of guys you are looking to play with.

In summary advertise like crazy, keep your rates reasonable and you should do ok. Never scout clubs, bars too many casino girls law enforcement and pimps on the strip. Hope that helps and good luck too you.
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Old 12-17-2015, 09:14 PM   #3
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I made some comments in this thread: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1539772

Room rates are very low between SEMA trade show in early Nov and Christmas with a slight bump during NFR in early Dec. So yeah, it's rather quiet in Vegas. The super hot summer time can be slow in Vegas too.

If you're willing to be 86ed from casinos (which basically means they will hold you and arrest you for trespassing in the future) and hustle, A LOT, you can make it work. A lot of the casino girls and (bad) agency girls don't care about getting arrested for misdemeanors for trespass or solicitation.

You can advertise a lot, all over the place. The main issue is finding a potential client that just happens to be in Vegas the same time you are and your schedules work out. Local providers will tell you there are many clients that cancel or NCNS. It's part of the local business. Guys will lose all their money gambling or whatever. There's way more visiting guys than local guys so the market is geared towards the visiting guys.

Best way of getting business in Vegas? Get your regulars to see you while you're in Vegas. Airfare tends to be good about 2-3 weeks out (or longer) so if you give them enough notice, you might make the tour work well for you.
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Old 12-17-2015, 10:53 PM   #4
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I agree with you quzi about there are more tourist than local guys but I think local guys get overlooked too much. I regular with a few ladies in town who see many locals and they do very well for themselves. They also have out of town guys who see them when they are in town as well. I think the ncns and guys gambling away their money is more tourist than local guys. I know I don't gamble that much at all as I'd rather spend my money hobbying than partying but that's me. I don't go to the strip that often and I prefer to see the ladies who offer Incall and not on the strip. I understand traveling ladies would prefer to stay on the strip and play as I'm sure it's more convenient for them. Let's face it Vegas is the adult playground of the world and I understand that. I saw a traveling lady from Texas last month and she told me she was looking to see the locals on her past trip. She keep her rates under $300, hosted in a hotel just off the strip, advertised all over the place and she even traveled to my house. She told me she did very well and she was planning to visit again. It just goes to show you that it can work touring in Vegas if you are willing to be reasonable with your rates and good advertising. Just my two cents.....
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Old 12-20-2015, 03:04 AM   #5
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+1 on Quzi said you are going to get way more tourists than locals.
And while some local gents are great guys I find that I am not contacted that much by locals or it is a local looking for a discount or being explicit in emails.
Thankful to the regular out of town gents I see and the few local awesome gents
I would advise you if you come to vegas to advertise well in advance.
Also it depends on the time of the year it is.Right now and summer guys are not traveling like they would next month or the rest of the year when there is main conventions in town.

I am a provider here and have been for quite a long time I do not tour and this is my homebase so it is very possible to make money out here online without having to walk the casino floor trying to hustle drunk guys into entertainment.You just have to advertise in advance on as many sites as possible.
I am not sure where you advertised or what your rates are.
Don't put your rates too low out here since most traveling ladies offer INcall and rooms are pretty cheap out here depending on the hotel but you don't want to have see many gents at high volume.
Good luck to you!
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Old 12-20-2015, 08:01 AM   #6
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Jaydalee I think the reason you don't have more interest with the local guys is because you don't offer incall. Not all of us can book hotel rooms or host at our place because of discreation reasons. Some ladies in town will even book a hotel room for me and then I'll reimburse them for it. Others will share a private residence in town with another provider. I'm surprised to hear you don't see many local guys. Happy holidays to you!
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Old 12-20-2015, 06:58 PM   #7
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@Goodguy_69 I totally get that regarding locals thanks for sharing your perspective.
If a local gent is serious I will book an incall.
But it is pretty rare that I do offer incall.
But the local gents I see I visit them at their residence or they just book a cheap hotel room somewhere.
Happy holidays to you
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