Touring Companions attracts beautiful, sophisticated models from around the world. Whether your style is totally independent or more reliant upon Touring Companions to facilitate your engagements, we offer advantages for every lady. Touring Companions puts the fun in organized dating. We take a personable, boutique approach increating a safe and lasting environment that you as a professional entertainer won’t want to leave. Our doors are open to model providers who are breathtaking in appearance with an air of sophistication, class and elegance. If you consider yourself a VIP model thatis responsible and easy going with an impeccable physique, chances are excellent that we’re a perfect match.
What We Look For
While our guidelines are simple, they are stringent. This is how we maintain high standards that you can rely upon. Here’s what to do:
Please complete the application truthfully.
Rude comments or otherwise derogatory language will cause us to hit the delete button.
While we’re sure you look fabulous in your birthday suit, kindly refrain from submitting nude, explicit, pornographic or distasteful imagery, another reason to hit the delete button.
Please submit full body images that are your own (no stock images or pirated images, please), totally candid and unaltered, untouched and unblurred.
When all is said and done, we are positively thrilled to work with you!