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Old 06-25-2015, 09:34 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Says the minor league lifer...

You're white-knighting for sewer rats now? A new low for eccie's perennial Dipshit of the Year! Everything I posted about undercunt applies to you in spades, cabana boy.
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Old 06-25-2015, 10:54 PM   #17
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Not at all, Junior. From this angle, it looks like you're taking another thorough beating.

To my point, you're too dumb to see it happening. And nobody but you gives enough of a shit to back you up.
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Old 06-25-2015, 11:29 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You've never been relevant in your entire sad little life. You can't even get noticed walking into Tallywackers In Village People garb. You want everyone who demolishes your pathetic libtard talking points to "quit posting"! My, my... aren't you the tolerant, diversity-loving progressive! You spurn polls because they expose you as a fraud with zero powers to sway anyone. You resort to "dirty talk" because you have no substance or expertise or debate skills. Then you get upset because I don't follow you into the sewer.

Fucking sewer rat.
You're becoming less and less relevant by the day. Do you even listen to yourself? You chide me for not loving diversity as you crack gay jokes. You haven't demolished fuck all except whatever unfortunate thing you happen to be sitting on at the moment. You've resorted to talking like your butt buddy Rey Lengua aka the 'Enforcer'. You are the one who volunteered that you were a pussy who needed someone to do their dirty work. I spurn polls on a hooker board because they don't mean jack fucking shit. I resort to 'dirty talk' because that's the only thing that shitheels like you understand. Remember, you started this little one-man vendetta. Now have the balls to keep it up or kindly step the fuck out of the way while the adults talk.

And you've apparently chosen to stick with this whole 'sewer rat' thing. Let me just break the news to you; it's lame as shit.

Call the attendants, you've shit the bed again.
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Old 06-25-2015, 11:34 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're white-knighting for sewer rats now? A new low for eccie's perennial Dipshit of the Year! Everything I posted about undercunt applies to you in spades, cabana boy.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Not at all, Junior. From this angle, it looks like you're taking another thorough beating.

To my point, you're too dumb to see it happening. And nobody but you gives enough of a shit to back you up.
He'll log out as LustyTard and back in as IB and support himself. No one else supports him because they see what a fucking idiot he is. He strutted around here for weeks, stalking every thread I was in, demanding I admit I'm someone I am not. We saw how that worked out. I told him I would never admit to it because it wasn't true and I won't. Hell will freeze over first. He thinks he's the smartest guy in the room when the opposite is usually true. He thought he would badger me into something, like he's badgered others before me. The problem is he's never met a motherfucker like me and he fucked up by thinking he had. And then he basically asks me to call of the dogs and that Rey is his 'enforcer' because Lusty is too much a pussy to use 'dirty words', even though he never had a problem before. Long story short, he's a grubered odumbo pussy.
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Old 06-26-2015, 01:42 AM   #20
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The Confederate flag should not be banned, but neither should it be an official state symbol.
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Old 06-26-2015, 10:16 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
From this angle, it looks like you're taking another thorough beating.

To my point, you're too dumb to see it happening. And nobody but you gives enough of a shit to back you up.

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
No one else supports him because they see what a fucking idiot he is. He strutted around here for weeks, stalking every thread I was in, demanding I admit I'm someone I am not. We saw how that worked out.

Yeah, we did see how that worked out! You're so lame and feeble you couldn't even convince 1 out of 8 people on this board that you're not a liar! And that's after voting for yourself. 35 out of 40 voters said you are a lying POS. That's an ass pounding by any definition!

And now you scurry up the skirt of the biggest dipshit on this board - AssUp RideMe - and expect her to rescue the drowning sewer rat. How cute. The two of you can swim around in the excrement and commiserate with each other and compare all the polls you've both lost and debate who is the bigger LOSER!

It looks like 7 out of 8 eccie posters do indeed "back me up" in recognizing the Arkansas sewer rat is a fraud and a liar and a coward and a poseur. Only dipshits and fellow sewer rats are "too dumb to see it".


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Old 06-26-2015, 03:16 PM   #22
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I do not support LL in calling WormRaper a sewer rat. It's demeaning and insulting . . . to sewer rats!
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Old 06-27-2015, 12:14 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Yeah, we did see how that worked out! You're so lame and feeble you couldn't even convince 1 out of 8 people on this board that you're not a liar! And that's after voting for yourself. 35 out of 40 voters said you are a lying POS. That's an ass pounding by any definition!

And now you scurry up the skirt of the biggest dipshit on this board - AssUp RideMe - and expect her to rescue the drowning sewer rat. How cute. The two of you can swim around in the excrement and commiserate with each other and compare all the polls you've both lost and debate who is the bigger LOSER!

It looks like 7 out of 8 eccie posters do indeed "back me up" in recognizing the Arkansas sewer rat is a fraud and a liar and a coward and a poseur. Only dipshits and fellow sewer rats are "too dumb to see it".


And you would know about ass poundings. Listen, do you even hear yourself? You're citing polls on a hooker board... as evidence of something. This isn't the fucking presidential election, you fucking delusional turd. Take your polls and shove them right up there where Rey puts his tongue at night.
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