Tijuana trip report numero dos, Part 2
Sorry I am having to divide up this read but I wanted to include details and observations for your use and it takes time. BTW I am back in LA. Safe and sound.
As I was saying in part 1, I wanted to see how far I could negotiate the chickas down for a session. I knew that you would typically pay about $98. for 30 minutes of sex including a room. Walking up a short ramp two chickas standing together just about jumped me asking. I walked around the railing and got right in front of them. For looks I would give one 8.5 and the other about a nine. So I say how much and the 8.5 goes $80. and you pay for the room. I said well the only part I don't like is the 30 minutes. I said how about both of you for $160 total for an hour. I pay for the room. They look at each other and the 8.5 grabs my dick and says lets go. Needless to say I was already pumping some blood to Jr. and he was telling me lets go I wanna fuck. told the ladies I wanted to watch the shaving cream show and that I would be back in about 1 hour.
Pa rtf 3 after I make it home.