Originally Posted by DesireMeDestiny
I agree 100% with you Ms. Y! Some gents figure that because they've been verified they can text whatever they want. I don't care who you are, Rule #1 is never agree to a sex act! It makes me feel so uncomfortable.
Its not just the gents, I am hearing about a lot of ladies doing it too, which is scary, how do you know its actually the gent on the other end and not his wife, kid, or even LE.
Food for thought,
If someone is sharing text from someone else with you, who are they sharing your text with??
Little Advice:
My attorney told me that if you have your own web page and you put your reviews on it, IT IS A IMITATION OF GUILT, IN OTHER WORDS YOU ARE AGREEING WITH THE REVIEW AND SAYING IT IS TRUE AND IT CAN BE USED AS EVIDENCE!
Be careful everyone and watch your ass because no one else is going to do it for you!