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Old 03-10-2015, 04:39 PM   #1
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Default Just got stood up in Mobile

I stopped in Mobile just for one person and would like to make my money back, if anyone interested....xo
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Old 03-10-2015, 05:27 PM   #2
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That is terrible for someone who commits and than yanks the carpet.

Especially for a person that is on the road. Out of pocket for everything.
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Old 03-11-2015, 07:35 AM   #3
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Surely not an Eccie member?? If so please put who in the ladies powder room...thanks...sorry that happened to you.
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Old 03-11-2015, 03:55 PM   #4
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Default Notified and Stood up have two different meanings

As I recall Kate was not stood up. The request was made last minute and yes Kate did stop in just to see me. I actually called Kate to let her know that I was not going to make it, did not get an answer. She called back promptly and I filled her in on the situation that I had a high value client in the office that had a major issue that had to be corrected. She wasn't stood up, she was notified. Its unfortunate that it happened bc I missed out on a smoking HOT provider, but do me a favor Kate and give full details.
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Old 03-11-2015, 11:18 PM   #5
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Default not taking sides here

but "stood up" will also depend on how far in advance the notification was given. If I'm driving 2.5 hour to Destin or new Orleans to see a provider and was called 30min prior notifying me the appt is off. I would consider that a stand up as I would have already wasted time driving.
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Old 03-12-2015, 05:54 AM   #6
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HE made contact with provider before the date,no matter one minute or one day,so I don't think he Stood her up,He could of ncns and used there excuse I had PHONE trouble.shit happens on both sides of the street.
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Old 03-12-2015, 01:45 PM   #7
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you stood me up. i stopped exclusively for you. you confirmed three times. you did not say this was iffy. you told me to call you after i took a shower and was ready and then you said you could not make it after i paid for the room wit money i needed.
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Old 03-12-2015, 01:46 PM   #8
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Standing me up, I would not care. Sticking me with a hotel bill, not cool. AFTER telling me it was cool and asking me to stop. I can't even get home now. Plenty of people cancel on me, no big deal. This was NOT cool. In fact it was so malicious, i wondered if someone had put you up to it just to screw me over. Telling me to call you when I was ready, confirming that I was on my way just to see you?
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Old 03-12-2015, 04:54 PM   #9
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There is nothing that suggests that what he did was a malicious act, however, I do agree that he stood you up - especially if he knew what you had to do to get there - If I found myself in his position, I would have at least offered to see you after I had finished with my client - 2 or 3 or even 5 hours later would have been better than what occurred.
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Old 03-12-2015, 05:53 PM   #10
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I tend to agree with sharky. Sure, from time to time things come up beyond our control. In this case, I would have told the lady what was going on, and come see her as soon as I finished with whatever had came up. In this case, since the lady had made a specific stop, and paid for a hotel room strictly at my request for her to stop to see me, I would have at the very least reimbursed her for the cost of the room. Just my opinion. dj8
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Old 03-12-2015, 08:13 PM   #11
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Default Set up?

Well lets speak details...I made repeated phone calls to confirm and it was a big game of phone tag. You finally called to fill me in that you made it and you will be ready in 30 to 45 minutes, an hour and one half passed no word from you. I called to see if we are still on and you told me to give you more time. By the time I was to be on my way to see you two hours had passed. I was actually on the way out the door until one of my preferred clients walked in that had an issue. It was a must that I corrected the situation, which turned out to be an issue that lasted more than a few hours.

I once called again to let you know I maybe late and the usual took place you didn't pick up, then you called back. I was calling to let you know that I wasn't going to make it. You were the one that did not hold to the time frame. Had you been ready in 30 to 45 minutes as you originally quoted the date would've taken place.

Check any of my references im known for punctuality or giving advance notice if Im going to be a few minutes late. I respect time bc time is money you obviously didn't respect yours by not being available at the time that you stated.

"Someone put me up to this" "malicious" WTF LOL, sounds like you have enemies and a bit of a Drama Queen. Sorry to inform I was not a co-conspirator in a conspiracy against you nor am I a malicious guy.

Sharky your 100% correct about the calling back some hours later, which was something that I didn't do and I can take the hit on that one.
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Old 03-13-2015, 08:33 AM   #12
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At the very least if I had a touring lady come to me she would have been paid a travel fee. If I cancel short notice, that not right. It different if she was local. Touring ladys have different means of setting tours and prebooks.
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Old 03-14-2015, 04:08 PM   #13
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I did not know your eccie handle, so you outed yourself. I never brought up your name. You brought drama. You stuck me with a bill I had to make up, I posted to make it up. I did not complain or start drama or any other thing. I am dreaming I stopped for you? I am blonde but I am not that blonde. Someone like you is not worth my time at all, so just go away so as not to waste any more of it. You are lying now for whatever dubious reasons you have and why you would bring yourself into this I have no idea. Since I did not know it was you, how did you know what I was talking about? You will behave yourself for a short time because of this thread and then you will do it someone else. If you lie down with dogs, you get fleas. I do not want fleas, and I do not like liars, arguing with someone like you will only cost me more money. You did it deliberately. However I plenty of great dates from it, so thank you!! I try to give the best service and look the best I can and thankfully make the money back pretty easily which is why I did not create a huge dramatic scene. But that is not the point. Answer to yourself for your own behavior, I never asked for an excuse, did I? I write off losses ASAP.
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Old 03-15-2015, 01:05 AM   #14
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I just wish I had seen this earlier......I would have definitely helped out with the room expenses
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