Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
There 2 actually waiting to book with the three of us
Does this mean Angel has agreed?
Twice in the past she has politely declined this scenario for her own reasons.
So in respect to Angel, it is not or was not my intent to coerce her into something she would be uncomfortable in doing.
I was just kind of explaining why I had not booked with LMC...I did not want her to get all Popeye and shit.
(Actually I didn't want her to 'accidentally rip the little fucker out by the roots' when it became certain after 2.75 hrs that I was not going to get a happy ending.)
So....is there going to be a group type thing where one of gets to lead Angel in on a leash and chain, place her on the table and tell her to comply with all of LMC's demands? Huh? huh? Puhleeeeeeze? (That particular on has not made it to the internet yet.)
Chola messes with Asian submissive. Ok there is the review title.