Originally Posted by rogerdodger
I shouldn't reply but ... in my experience - it strongly depends on the professionalism of your clientele. if you are dealing with a blue-collar type business decision maker - lay it on hot and heavy. many blue collar business owners I have worked with are pretty openly uncouth and loud about 'that hot chick' that is selling them some item.
however, in a white collar and professional atmosphere - being overtly sexual is not going to work AND may be a deterrence to making the sale. I have been in meetings with pretty professional ladies where the dress was very conservative (no cleavage, tops of stockings, etc.) and the questioning about product knowledge was very cordial. as soon as the lady showed she was intelligent about the situation, she was accepted - just like a man would be. on the other hand, when obviously attempting to draw attention AWAY from product knowledge and get a sexual response - that lady better be able to do calculus proofs in response because it was almost insulting. well to some men, in a business situation, it's HIGHLY insulting to be sexual.
just my .02 - good luck. if you weren't in the hunt for a cub ... I might like to meet you.
Obviously opinions are like assholes, well all have them. I know three ladies that dress very nicely sparking imagination and showing more than enough to start the imagination. Two are in Medical sales and the other is a VP in insurance. All three have over 15 people each reporting to them. They can not only walk the walk but can talk the talk.
If you are an attractive female that knows your business inside and out you will get the male and female attention by dressing nicely and showing enough to lure eyes. The first person to balk gets their tongue stepped on from knowledge flowing!!!