Originally Posted by RHammer
This site is a haven for racists. I see the mods intervene on so many things people say, but they just let these types of things pass.
I see you haven't been around long so let me give a quick orientation. She put herself open for ridicule by posting an "almost ad" in COED. She asked for opinions so there is no telling what kind of response she will get.
Second...There are one or more black MODS on staff in Houston so if it's racist, we know and will respond. (Although some of us prefer not to be called BLACK.)
Third, Wakeup is not going to see anyone unless they are white, pale, young and thin so his response will always be the same. Check out his avatar. And he always attempts post something that's on the edge and within guidelines.
Sorry for the hijack. Please respond to her questions or go to the next thread.