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Old 01-05-2014, 06:48 PM   #16
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ok so to answer you ladies I took so little because we were offering a special rate. Taking over 600 photos to get 15 usable ones seems excessive to me. Yes I should have taken a bit more but not 600. Also she did not get a disk of all her photos because that is not what was agreed on. She signed a model release stating she would receive 15 edited photos and that the rights to her photos belong to me the photographer. I am just starting my business and want to please everyone....
Sami was a harder woman to shoot yes, but she still was entitled to her photos and happiness. I will learn from this and do whatever I can to not make the same mistake twice. I did offer to give her money back but after we had chatted she said she would be happy if she could just get some of her photos in different backgrounds. I agreed and got her one right away. I asked her to be patient with me as I was having to move during the holidays and she agreed. I intended to get her 3 other edited photos but then she started that thread blowing out of proportion her experience. I thought she was being patient with me and that we had made an agreement on what would make her happy. So I'm left feeling a bit confused by all this nasty-ness. I'm learning everyday and I get better everyday. Sami did have a bad experience and she has made it clear. Both sides of the story has been heard. Can we move on now?

Luscious Leo
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Old 01-05-2014, 08:07 PM   #17
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A few things.

I call BS on Sami playing you two against each other. She is one of the most honest people I've ever met, and one of the few who has the very lovely quality of never having ulterior motives. She wears her thoughts and intentions on her sleeve and I've never witnessed her behave otherwise. I think the problem is the obvious communication breakdown between you and your photographer. You cannot step back and say "I had no dealings with her" when YOU placed the ad about the photo shoot, therefore establishing yourself as a, what, middle man? Agent? I'm unclear on why you're even advertising photographers.

Read my website maybe you will get a view of my business philosophy and business model.

I stated because the ad said that... I did get her her ALL her photos SHE HAS THEM. Secondly The ad she refers to and you as well was for a photo shoot in Nov we did with her friend ( notice the date) The shoot Sami attened wasn't advertised. She was invited to come with her friend.
I still hold that I was not her agent in that the ad stated to contact me for details and to schedule SHE DID NOT.
The two people who also shot that day WHO DID speak to me directly and followed the instructions don't seem to have any problems.

11-14-2013, 12:29 PM #1 MagnificMedia
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Photo Shoot Sunday in Houston
We have 3 time slots available for Sunday photo shoot.
Photog is Boudoir Imagery based in San Antonio

$150 for 3 looks 15 edited photos and you get all your pics for later edits

call for details and to schedule!

Depending on your size some outfits, costumes, wigs and shoes available

Also, regardless of what Sami signed (and here is where I think she messed up, as I would never sign an agreement that stated I didn't have full and sole rights to the photos), YOUR ad stated "and you get all your pics for later edits" so YOU had an obligation to follow through with that. 29 days after the shoot is a LONG time to wait for any of her photos.

REGARDLESS???? SHE DID SIGN IT.. It's called a contract and a release If she had a question about the discrepancy between the ad and the paperwork she could have brought it up. But She never saw the ad that is not what brought to the shoot. If she did se the ad she did do what the ad said

Every photographer I've EVER worked with took a minimum of 600+ photos during the shoot, often many, many more. Whoever is telling you that less than that is standard is just lazy, or doesn't actually know what they are doing. Any professional photographer will tell you that it takes dozens of shots to get one usable one. *shrug* Maybe I work with people who have higher standards for their business.

Maybe you are just harder to shoot.. You are a beautiful lady but...Who know why who does what. You are not an expert in the field of photography and there are many different ways that photogs do their business. You can call it lazy. Sami can call it Lazy but she still holds responsibility to ask all those questions. Maybe she was being lazy not to have asked...
Not that she came to the shoot as a result of it but....The ad doesn't state you get 600 unedited shots. It says CALL FOR DETAILS...Did she no. If she wanted to know or was concerned she just had to ask...BEFORE the shoot.

You're missing the point. Yes, every photographer makes standard edits to pictures. They do NOT list publicly what they did to those pictures to try to shame someone. They also do not threaten to post the unedited versions just to be mean and spiteful.

They also aren't called out on a board and lied about either probably. To start a post saying she didn't get what she paid for is a lie. To say she was disappointed because she made assumptions, didn't read the paperwork or didn't follow directions would have been more appropriate.

Also, it DOES seem to me (from her side of the story, of course) that you two have given her the run around. You make all these statements about what's been offered her (e.g. the dress (huh?), her money back, a make up shoot) and yet I see no follow through on these things. You can't say "Well I offered this!" if there's been no real attempt to actually provide it. Are you telling me that you (or your photographer) have extended your hands with her money in them and she refused to take it? If not, then you are not following through on that claim, and therefore should not bring it up in public as if it makes everything okay. And she never called you illiterate. She suggested that the ad READ that way. Let's not get overly sensitive when NOTHING she has said was even HALF as insulting as the insults you hurled her way.
The offers were made by me and Leo apparently some of them she took.
Plus AS I HAVE STATED REPEATEDLY she got what she paid for and what she said she wanted ALL HER PHOTOS.

It may be yours & her opinion it wasn't a good value, it maybe yours & her opinion that it took longer than she would like. But to call it a bait and switch is a lie, To say she was lied to is a lie. Now you and Sami may not accept that some things time-wise were beyond our control but my belief is that is unreasonable.
The only thing she didn't get was her money back but she was involved in the decision on how that would happen with me after the holidays all the while agreeing with Leo that if she could get something else ( a few more photos) that would take care of it. She did get those.

The fact that you put up an apology for your public behavior, but are STILL making the same excuses and accusations truly makes the apology ring false. You just realized that you showed an ugly face and are trying to do damage control... badly. An apology of this type comes with humility, regret, and a willingness to help the client find satisfaction. You are still just trying to call her unreasonable and defend your position. How do you consider that any sort of apology? Just seems like PR damage control lip service to me...

The apology is real and for my firing back some insults.
And I am sorry she's disappointed just like I was sorry my grand daughter was sad to learn there is no Santa. But because I am sorry I can't make a real Santa...I just can't

The explanations as to what occurred business wise are real. I did not apologize for the business part of this because she was not mislead, treated badly by me or Leo during the business transactions WHICH STARTED WHEN SHE SIGN PARERWORK WITH LEO AND ENDED WITH HER ACCEPTING HER 80+ PHOTOS EDITED AND UNEDITED and using them I might add.

Just because she still doesn't like the truth doesn't mean I am not regretful.

I can't make something happen with this that is not possible. What she is asking for is unreasonable. For her to TAKE NO RESPONSIBILTY IN THIS is unreasonable. For her to persist in trying to ruin my business is unreasonable. These are all truths. I have done all I can.

But in the spirit of OK let me make this right ask your friend what she wants me to do for her to fix this and I will. (Anything within reason)

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Old 01-05-2014, 09:25 PM   #18
Marcus Aurelius
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This is not I believe the place for this.Take it to Business service for providers.
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Old 01-05-2014, 09:47 PM   #19
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post

This is putting all parties in a bad light. Discussing details of a transaction gone south in a public forum is never a good idea. Really, everybody go away and stop accusing each other of anything and move it along. Done. Over. Better day and play tomorrow.
That is the best advice in the entire thread
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Old 01-05-2014, 10:30 PM   #20
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This is the business section???

+1 fancy and CC

seacrest out!
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Old 01-06-2014, 12:51 AM   #21
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Tia. Your apology was very sincere and it sounds like you and Leo have done everything you can to try and make this right.

Sami, this was a photo shoot and not some special event like a wedding where you will never get another chance to capture the moment. You have already stated many times your issues. Why keep dragging this into the mud? Everyone who reads this knows what happens and can decide for themselves whether or not to use them. Even though you didn't get everything you expected, the images that we're provided look great. As a potential client I would be very excited to see you based on those images.
Even the most experienced and talented photographers don't get that many usable images compared to how many they take. This is why no professionals give you all the images they take. They also don't give away their intellectual property (copyright) for anywhere near the price Sami was charged. Between Leo and Tia I'll bet over 15 or 20 hours of work was done editing, preparing for and taking those pictures. Just like providers expect to be compensated for their time even if they didn't connect well with the client or he left not feeling like he was satisfied with the experience, creative professionals also expect to get compensated and at $150 they come out in the negative.
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Old 01-06-2014, 05:57 AM   #22
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I shouldn't get in the middle of women disagreeing but,

I know Leo ( she by the way), and saw her after the shoot about a week or so before christmas. We talked about the shoot, and how she and model were talking and trying to resolve things. She did the photo with the bed added in, and model loved it, she told her about having to move and the holidays that it would take time, model was fine with that. She has the low special rate, because it is for only 15 pictures and she is trying to build her business. these are for ads, not an entire portfolio.

You can say I'm a friend of Leo's, but this happened before christmas, leo and model were working this out. Some photographers give all pictures, some don't, that's why everything's in writing. Doesn't matter what kind of pictures, I believe even school pictures have forms explaining what you get when you sign and pay.

I don't know anyone else involved or their way of conducting themselves, but we talked about when it wasn't an issue so no reason to tell tales, she said she was trying to fix things. So they had communication.

Model signed contract. had shoot. some communication issues during shoot. model and photog talk and try to fix issues with pictures. model gets more pictures than contract says. photog still try to help. model comes out and attacks everybody. then tia and model go at it. That's just from I can see from leo's part. from what both said model and tia had communications and of course, tia and leo had communications.

If you get more than you pay for, plus you said yourself your shopped and wore what you wanted, so I'm not sure why you don't like what you wore now. How can you fire someone for giving you more?( pay for 15 edited photos, got 80+ unedited + 20 edited)
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Old 01-06-2014, 09:08 AM   #23
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Again I did Not get the 15 I was owed, I never said what I got was bad. I said Tia sent me same picture cropped and made 2 out of the same picture. Anyone can crop, for instance the one with my legs, what was done is crop only, didn't have to do a thing to that photo, 2 like that. The one in red I got again same picture 2nd one is only cropped. Leo even agreed it was wrong.
I was told over and over they would get them to me, only to wait days and here nothing, then me contacting them, again same scenario.19 days go by, I never got to choose my pictures, what photographer does this?

I have never had this happen in this world or even civvie world. I have always got to choose my pictures. It's bad business

It's awful funny that in my original thread, they went from trying to make it right to I got 20 edited. Does that make any sense? If I had got what was ON original agreement. No it doesn't! It is completely false I know it's my word against theirs. So that's that, but come in here and try to make me out the liar, Is wrong. I am thick skinned, I also never claimed my body was a hard body, but it's completely unprofessional to take digs at someone the way Tia has.
I have never had a guy who visit's say, I didn't look like my pictures. They love my thick self, as I do.

Then Tia try to say the apology is sincere, Whatever!!! Clearly PR stunt.

I have come out here to warn others, that's what I have done. Tia can send her emails out all day, ask her friends/managed ladies to come talk me down all day long. LMAO

You have poked at this bear one to many times...

I tell you this, when all is said and done, you might have Tried, but I WILL have the last laugh, when the rest is completely revealed with Solid Facts, of how dangerous Tia is to this community. I warned you Tia in post 2, you are not helping yourself. Tia has put words in peoples mouths that have not spoken yet, numerous times. Your barbaric, draconian business tactics will be revealed. That's a fact!

Thank you, to all who have contacted me in private with all your support. Good Day!!
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Old 01-06-2014, 11:28 AM   #24
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This one is done. Ladies I'm not going to say it again, move on, or move to private conversation. Apparently our private conversations had not sunk in. Enough dirty laundry has been aired here on this matter, a private transaction between parties.
Please do not start another thread on this particular topic.
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