Kitty, the last thing you need right now is a smartphone. If anything, please log off from whoever's laptop you are using and find a safe place somewhere to call the authorities or to call a crisis line if you having thoughts of suicide.
Link for mental health centers (They have crisis lines and will see you immediately wherever you are):
You and I are both providers and personally, no amount of money will be you happiness. If you are not having any lucrative success in this business, consider retiring completely. I mentioned this to you earlier and I'm not sure if you saw this, but there is a special program for ex-strippers/escorts in east dallas.
The organization is called "restored hope ministries" and it is ran by Ex-convict Sam Pollinzi. Please contact them, I'm sure they can help you out more than I can.
Stop providing.
Stop living in a hotel.
Stop being open to such violence.
Let go of this whole profession and let God in for about five minutes.
Good luck and I'm praying for you.
-Brown Sugar Baby