Originally Posted by timpage
The entire premise is absurd and a departure from reality. There's not 1 American in a thousand that believes this nonsense. There aren't going to be any secret police or death camps or any of the rest of the ridiculous nonsense you extreme right-wingers like to get your panties all wadded up about.
Some of you are just stupid and that is what it is. Others, like the silly old man, are just shit-stirrers who know its all nonsense but get some sort of weird satisfaction out of the attention they receive by propounding the argument....and the rest are just drama queens. The one common denominator is that you are all fucking bizarre beyond belief. 
Same thing they thought in Cambodia as they were being led out of the
towns into the killing fields by the Camera Rouge, they didn't even take
any extra cloths or food with them because they thought it was only
going to be for a couple days, after all that is what they were told.
Were they having an absurd departure from reality?