Originally Posted by Chevalier
A few years ago, I'd rarely tip. In recent years, I am more likely to tip. But in my experience, whether or not I tipped had no effect on whether any particular lady tended to extend our time together or not. Some did; some didn't; but none of them seemed to stay longer after I started tipping than they did before. Or maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention. 
I have a jaded view of tips although I'm not afraid to give them when I think they will work. For instance, I'll give a cabbie a big tip so that s/he will offer to meet my schedule in order to receive a regular fare plus a hefty tip on a regular basis. Securing reliable transportation is worth it.
I used to tip the housekeepers quite a bit on a daily basis. Instead of getting superb service, my room was the first one visited, the tip was snatched up, and the room was sloppily attended to. I quit tipping the housekeepers.
I've found tipping waiters/waitresses to be an iffy proposition. In some instances it secures me good future service. But mostly, these service workers seem to think a tip is standard, even with exceptionally poor service. I guess I've fallen into that concept b/c I rarely leave lower than 20% on a bill.
When it comes to escorts, I take them at their word: never required but always appreciated. So, I haven't tipped yet, but I have set some money aside to do so. Guess I'm like the boy scout...I'm prepared.