Thanks for the warm welcome eveyrone....
And glad to see such a lively place! Looks like it is going to be fun around here!
While I am sure that all were saddened to see that Adeptus32 decided to retire, as was I, please join me in thanking him for his long dedication to service for the community. While I can never replace him, I hope to ably succeed him.
Got to admit, still trying to get up to speed on the scene here, but don't think that will take very long.
You got a great group of people up here and a very good moderator in Modda, so please do not take this in the wrong way:
With the dynamic personalities and all the duties involved in some of the areas, it sometimes takes more than one person to help oversee the duties involved. I was more than happy to be asked, and not much arm twisting was involved.
Of course, Chica Chaser may regret it the next time he has to pick up my bar tab, LMAO!
Thanks again, each and everyone of you!