Unfortunately in this area you are probably going to hear a lot of no's. Nice no's, but no's none the less. I have seen very few when my schedules allows. So when they retire, I have no more references to give. If anyone else I'm interested in won't accept that then it's probably for the best. I was extremely fortunate to meet Sexy Brittany when she was more active and I was newer. Hell of a time, hell of a woman, Every one around here should learn from her. and of course another friend of mine who has retired. Legends is all I can say.
Anyway Im trailing off. All you can really do is ask them. Sometimes it's nice to email, or pm before texting or calling and just explain the situation and sometimes they are cool, and you could have a fun time, other times they don't feel comfortable and that's cool too because maybe you wouldn't of had a good time anyway. I know it's not what you want to hear but really the easiest thing is trying to get references. in my case I don't really want to,...how do I put this without being offensive?...go with an under qualified date in order to get a chance to meet someone I am really wanting to meet. I'm no provider, but I did sleep at a holiday in express last night... ( I lied,....I slept in my real bed.......alone. ;(,,, (for the third time)...This Year!