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Old 08-29-2010, 09:26 AM   #1
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Default Communes?

I had a weird dream last night that I was checking out a commune with a friend. It was different and not the type of commune that I would imagine existed back in my ways of imagining them being in the 60's and 70's.

Ever thought about it? Lived on one? Tried to start one?

Communal hugs,
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Old 08-29-2010, 09:44 AM   #2
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I’ve been to a yoga ashram before. If a commune is anything like that, I don’t think I could live on one. Visit yes; live no.
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Old 08-29-2010, 09:48 AM   #3
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The first thing I think of when I hear the word commune is that scene in Easy Rider where they are planting seeds in the sand convinced by some miracle, or more likely too many drugs that the seeds will grow

If you asked me what hell on earth would look like I would have to say a commune lol.I guess I am just way too anti social when it comes to that kind of thing.I am strange I live in a condo where we are all stacked in little boxes on top of each other, and that does not bother me. I like having people close by,I feel safe that way. I just prefer that we ignore each other unless there is a real need to communicate.
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Old 08-29-2010, 10:09 AM   #4
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I dated a girl in college who grew up on one in rural VA, and spent a summer there. Was mostly older hippies and fairly mellow and not nearly as wild as one would imagine, but a peaceful and beautiful, and surprisingly functional place where everybody contributed in different ways and they had some cottage industry making hammocks and organic food products that they sold and were very much sustainable. There was some nice homemade brews to be had and fun out in the fields on occasion, making music and lots of interesting stories to hear.
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Old 08-29-2010, 05:02 PM   #5
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Default Lived on one for 5 months

Good Evening Elizabeth;

When I was in my early 20s I lived on a kibbutz in Israel, which was very different from the 60s/70s 'hippie' commune, but other than that fulfilled all the requirements of a commune.

Made a lot of sense then, but I was young & freshly out of university; so what the heck did I know? Nowadays there aren't enough guns in all of Texas to get me to live on one today.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane (or should it have been rehov zikron?)

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Old 08-29-2010, 07:55 PM   #6
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Like a lot of things, it depends on the mix of people involved. We Americans, almost by definition of culture, prefer individual stiving on a daily basis for success or advancement. This does not mean that we don't work with others or pull together for common goals when necessary but, rather, it means that we generally save our very best sustained efforts for ourselves. Consequently, things communal in the manner which you refer to are out. The funny thing about that is, for the most part, the continued pining for a return to the '50's or the "good old days" or "restoring our values" or what have you depends heavily on a large portion of the populace willing to be unquestioning sheep while truly believing that they are not. And, the abandoning of a wealth-based value system probably ain't coming up real soon.

Having said that, I think a commune could work for a small segment of people if all of the members were committed to whatever the goals are (and, the fewer goals the better). You know, kind of like true committment to religion or any other belief system to the point where you actually become it. Easy in theory and nice on Sunday mornings, but what does it REALLY have to to with the real world...LOL?
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Old 08-29-2010, 10:12 PM   #7
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I always dreamed about being a gypsy or living in a commune...or both{lol}!!
Cool post babe!!
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Old 08-30-2010, 10:57 PM   #8
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Oh, the fire has stirred within me thinking of this..!

A few years ago, I owned a large home and had a handful of roommates during one 3-month period. While I'm not going to label our arrangement a true commune, we lived a lifestyle where we shared everything with each other--from food to toiletries to household responsibilities: Whoever woke up first automatically fed my pups and ran the dishwasher. Clothes in the dryer were folded by whoever was to use the dryer next. We had a "community drawer" of cash to use for groceries, light bulbs, movie night DVD rentals, etc... and nobody abused the access to the cash.

We all looked out for one another, snuggled together, cooked for each other, loved and cared for each other. It was such a wonderful time of my life and I miss it immensely.

I've found lots of communities through Google searches and here is one I hope to visit during the spring of next year: Twin Oaks

While I am perfectly content being a single woman who lives alone with her pups, I do truly crave friendship with others. I look forward to trips to grocery stores just to look at people's name tags and thank them by name, ask how their day is going, etc... I teach group classes and I know every student by name even though the attendance changes daily. In this little world of ours, I often forge relationships with the gentlemen I meet and I reach out to other ladies and anticipate phone calls and texts just to keep in touch and "check in."

I think I'm perfect for true commune living...time will tell! My pups are ideal fits as well.
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Old 08-31-2010, 04:56 AM   #9
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That's the one I visited Lynette... was quite some time ago, but was a realy fun and interesting place. I recc reading the founder, Kat Kinkaide's books "A Walden 2 Experiment" and "It is Utopia Yet?'.
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Old 08-31-2010, 07:39 AM   #10
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Most of the people that I have known to be associated with commune, i.e. lived in one, dont ever want to return. I dont know why. They seem like a nice place to visit or be apart of for a SHORT period of time, like the 3-month example given above. Cool topic.
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Old 09-03-2010, 04:58 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by PaganGuy View Post
That's the one I visited Lynette... was quite some time ago, but was a realy fun and interesting place. I recc reading the founder, Kat Kinkaide's books "A Walden 2 Experiment" and "It is Utopia Yet?'.
Glad you had a fun time there and thanks for the book recommendations. It's all pretty new to me so I haven't researched anything as much as I should be, so I really appreciate your input! There's a side of me that is almost frightened about going for a visit, wondering if I'll ever return to the life I live. Hmmmmmm...?
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Old 09-03-2010, 06:25 PM   #12
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Chat me up anytime Lynette, can share some stories. Love your quote btw!
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Old 09-18-2010, 09:34 AM   #13
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I was at a hippie-style commune once for a few days. As long as you were stoned it was okay. If not, it was actually pretty pathetic. A bunch of white urban kids trying to 'be one with nature'. The living conditions were abysmal. Kind of like the Army without the food.
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Old 09-20-2010, 06:08 PM   #14
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I'd hang out at one if it were during my era. Just highly adaptable and willing to explore new realms.
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