I have had LOTS of interest in tonight's GAME NIGHT MEET & GREET
Cant wait to throw down A REAL HURRICAIN.. Texas bartenders DO NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM!
And lots of good questions and valid concerns about meeting in a public place
Hell I was going to post the place wide open but was warned not too if I wanted people to show. So I did not. But here is my thing #1 we not doing anything but watching the game and chilling you could be there watching a game and bump into me or anyone else easy.
But to make it a little bit more comfortable I will have my (other work stuff with me)
I will have my flyers and body wraps with me if anyone wants to check them out. I actually lost 42 lbs. from July 4th to Sept. 4th and not one day in the gym I did drink lots and lots of water and cut out 2 things completely from my diet but I just wrapped and I have kept ALL but 5 lbs off.. I went to Vegas 24 hr buffet for my Bday week and did the most AND IF I STAY IN LA eating at all these great places I may add 5 more LOL.
GOOD GREATNESS in Houma I just ate at a place after 2 bites I had to put it in a to go box and go to the room. HAD TO EAT THAT FOOD NAKED.. GOODNESS AND GREATNESS I TELL YOU. (place is in the sand box)
ANYWHO... If you are at all concerned or worried about being seen talking to a lady or two in a public place you are just checking out my product and flyers on how someone can lose inches fast healthy AND ladies if you have stretchmarks.. it really does work. check it out.
I think I will throw in a free wrap as a door prize to one of the ladies and yes men it works for you to. WHY NOT..
but I always say it took more than one meal to get you where you are it will take more than one wrap to get you out of that mess...but one is a start I lost 9 inches in 12 hrs my very first wrap
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So PM me for the details on where.. Nothing formal I will be dressed in my everyday wear
Watch the Saints have a drink AND MEET THE CAJUN QUEEN

37 lbs lighter all in an open environment with no worries.
NO OPEN SHOP TALK PLEASE that is what PM's are for

And ladies your first drink is free.