I've been pondering something, and since I haven't found a thread about this, what the heck....I figured I'd ask for opinions....
Reviews , as I see them, serve a dual purpose. First for the hobbyist, a way to find a check out a provider to see if there is an interest. For the providers, a way to "advertise", and find clientele.....reviews serve a wonderful role in the trade.
However (you were waiting for this, right?

)......the rest of the story, the "BCD" stuff. I dunno, does that REALLY help in determining whether or not I would like to see a provider?
I'm still trying to figure this out....if reading in full blown (so to speak

) detail that: "provider X diddled my fiddle with an ostrich feather dipped in SlimFast (we all can lose a little, huh?)"........
really helps me decide whether to see that lady or not.
Seems to me that some stuff, I dunno, should be somewhat.....discrete.
I mean, understanding that we are all adults (I hope!) and know that we all enjoy the variety....I guess for me, I don't need to know
all the specifics. I'd rather be surprised.....
The screening process, the rates, the locations, the reliability and trustworthyness of the provider, yes. Those things are far more important to me. Safety first and foremost.
And, not for nuthin'.....but do the ladies really like those details put out there like that?

Ladies, maybe you can tell us that!
Just wondering......