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Old 08-17-2010, 10:19 AM   #1
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Default Are Vaccinations Now Dangerous?

How many vaccinations are now required for children to enter a public school? Twenty? Thirty? When I was in school in the '60s and '70s it was FOUR - polio, smallpox, rubela, and whooping cough.

There is a positive relationship between the increase in numbers of children with demonsterable neurological damage
evidenced by autism and the increase in numbers of vaccines they've received. It is a positive trend line that is undeniable. There is no doubt that children today are being exposed to something that is causing them severe neurological damage. So far there is no other environmental or other factor that could possibly explain this other than the proliferation in the numbers of vaccines they receive.

Some people have posited that the mercury preservative used in the multi-vaccine cocktails widely used is the cause. I think they are right about at least one issue in the debate - there is no real evidence that any
level of mercury is safe when injected directly into a child. Vaccine defenders who claim to know that a particular dosage of mercury is not harmful are simply lying [and therefore have no credibility] because there have obviously been no tests on children to interpolate at what dosage mercury becomes unsafe.

However, studies between groups of children who received mercury-free vaccines and those who received vaccines with mercury appear to show that the levels of autism is still increasing dramatically in both groups.

Could it be something else in the vaccines other than mercury? Could it be the number of vaccines themselves?

I believe the answer is yes.

Like most orthodoxies today, the medical establishment has totally forgotten what it always knew about vaccines since their invention - they are always inherently dangerous and are used because their benefits to society outweigh their costs. Therefore vaccines should only be given when the desease involved is very serious, there is a reasonable chance that it may be encountered, and therefore the costs in bad reactions of widespread administration can be justified.

Today of course all of this has been forgotten. Today all vaccines, no matter where they are manufactured [like Puerto Rico or China LOL] are assumed by physicians to be safe if the drug company which sold it to them says so. Since the drug companies and their friends in the FDA now claim that all vaccines are perfectly safe and have no risk of bad outcomes, then why not give them for everything? Who cares if the changes of encountering that particular desease are remote, or if its effects are minimal? Go ahead and administer the vaccine because the vaccines are now risk-free!

This is of course all un-true. Vaccines are by their nature inherently risky because they involve injecting directly into the body not only the agent for which immunity is sought, but everthing else that the agent was found in when it was grown in the manufacturing plant - the medium it was grown in, bits and fragments of other potential pathogens found in the medium, etc., etc...

There's all kinds of materials in vaccines in addition to the one particle intended for benefit. And the manufacturing environments in which they are produced are getting worse, not better, and the chances for inadvertant as well as accepted contamination or adulteration are now a given.

Vaccines are now manufactured everywhere in the third world - and the FDA maintains NO SUPERVISION over their integrity. The recent FRAUD by the manufacturer of the H1-N1 vaccine demonstrates the problem with the motives of the manufacturers.

The reason why I'm preaching about this is that for seven years I worked for a medical manufacturer which made surgical implants - FDA supposedly regulated critical devices, and the environment there was not bad...it was criminal. The Director of Quality Assurance was a high school drop out who got his job by submitting a phoney college transcript he bought on the internet for $840. - and the company executives knew about this - they wanted him because he wouldn't follow the FDA's requirements. The executives and owner of the plant were foreign criminals who were only interested in maximizing their huge profits from the plant. There was so much adulteration and contamination in that plant that eventually they shipped out over 40,000 contaminated knee and hip joint replacement products at one time which were rejected by the patients' bodies because the contamination was so bad. It resulted in the largest product liability settlement in the joint replacement industry, but even that didn't compensate the victims adequitely because the company was underinsured.

I can tell you from personal experience - medical manufacturers cannot be trusted anymore, and the FDA will not enforce quality standards.

When you receive an injection of material into your body do you know what it contains?
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Old 08-17-2010, 01:36 PM   #2
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Good Lord, this stupid fucking argument again?

Hmm... where did this come from? Well, the Lancet published a study by then Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Why is he "then Dr." Andrew Wakefield? Because he committed fraud in his study purportedly linking vaccines and autism. How bad was it?

He was removed of his license in Britain.

There is no link to Austism and vaccinations. According to whom? CDC, NIH, Red Cross, etc, etc. Every established medical lab that has done any kind of study has come to the same conclusion.

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Old 08-17-2010, 03:01 PM   #3
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You're being fooled by Alex Jones and other nutjobs-for-profit. These lowlifes tell lies and half-truths to make a profit.

Meanwhile, diseases we thought were cured are making comebacks because there are lots of kids in the schools who haven't had the required vaccines. Do you think Alex Jones apologizes to mom when her kid dies because he didn't take the vaccine Alex told her not to?

The 1918 swine flu killed 3-6% of the population of the entire world. Polio was a terror for my parents' generation. Measles used to kill lots of people. Even the "regular" flu kills 30,000 people a year in the US.

Kids (and adults) who don't take their vaccinations are a threat to the rest of the population. Even if you take the vaccine, there's still some risk of catching the disease. Having a bunch of potential Typhoid Marys running around the schools increases the risk for everyone.

By the way, I DON'T trust the government, the vaccine makers, or the medical establishment. It's like Dilbert said, "I think they'd kill us in our sleep and sell our organs if they thought they could make a profit at it." Most of the vaccines are still a good risk. I may think that XYZ Motors is a terrible company that knowingly makes shoddy products that kill people, including defective seat belts. I still put the seatbelt on when I get in one of their cars.
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Old 08-17-2010, 03:46 PM   #4
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If you read my post you will see that I accept that mercury may not be the cause. My only critic of the mercury deniers is that they're being highly dishonest in asserting that there is a known safe level of mercury....there certainly is not.

There is however an undeniable corrolation [specific means of causation yet to be established] between the number of vaccinations given and the increase in "autism," which is really a catch-all for a variety of CNS-related developmental issues.

There is no doubt that as the number of vaccinations has gone up by a multiple of 5+ that there has been a similar multiple increase in the incidence of autism. Unfortunately because vaccinations are the only change in the equation medical orthodoxy has gone overboard in asserting claims [without evidence] of their safty. More disturbing though, among MDs there is no outcry for epidemiological rersearch to ascertain what the cause of this increase in autism may be...from an incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 110. IMHO the absence of any outcry from among MDs is because of a widespread suspicion among them that the result would point to vaccines - and they would be blamed for promoting their unnecessary proliferation.

It could be from any contaminant in the vaccines...anything. It doesn't have to be the mercury. The vaccines are now made in third world countries with no supervision. The processes involve growing the agents in merky media easily contaminated with anything. Now the agents are engineered genetically as well, with fragments of DNA from sources which are totally untested for safty.

There is finally a responsible book on the Gulf War anthrax vaccine, www.vaccine-a.com administered in 1990 to soldiers. It tells a shocking story. You should consider the credibility of this author before you lump all such discussion into the "Alex Jones" bin. Alex Jones has done more harm to some of the issues by legitimate researchers on his show than can be imagined.

Alternatively, it may not be contamination at all...it might be from an overload of immunological reaction to so many pathogens insulting the system at once.

Whatever the means, it's virtually undeniable that vaccinations are involved, and in a way that effects a small percentage of all recipients in a way that causes dramatic symptoms. It may be effecting all other in less dramatic, less-detectabel behavoral ways. The prospect of such could be catastrophic.

I can tell you from personal experience that there is no FDA supervision over medical manufacturers even in the U.S. anymore. The M.D. that is injecting you in his office, or the nurse at school, has absolutely no idea what the process was that produced the vaccine he's been sold....usually by an advertising agency and commissioned salesman.

btw -
When the first polio vaccine was invented the idea of injecting such a vaccine into the bodies of healthy patients was considered SO SHOCKING by most doctors that the principal Dr. promoting it did a demonstration by injecting it into his two grandchildren, in front of an audience of MDs in Louisiana. Within 72 hours one of his grandchildren was dead, and the other paralyzed. That's when they went back to the drawing board on polio vaccine research.

All vaccinations are risky. It is never really known what the potential consequences may be. They've only been adopted because of risk/benefit considerations favoring adoption for major illnesses...until now. Today it's all about the money.
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Old 08-17-2010, 04:42 PM   #5
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Wow, this is a new level of stupid. There are several things wrong with your argument, but the main one id that correlation does not equal causation. Just because the number of diagnosed cases has increased does not mean that the actual number of cases have increased. In the mod. 90's the definition of autism was expanded greatly to account for a changing understanding of the disorder. This alone increased the number of cases in the US. Also, do you know what they called autistic kids back on the day, simply retarded. We did not do a great job of differentiating between mental disorders on the mid 20th century, so naturally one should see an increase on autism. Finally, vaccines have been the greatest achievement in medicine, greatly increasing both the length and quality of life for billions of people. The sad part is that a few ignorant and influential people put the rest of us at risk. For the sake id all around you, get vaccinated.

Ps. Excuse the spelling and format, sent from phone
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Old 08-17-2010, 05:33 PM   #6
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I am finally at a computer so I wanted to expand a little on my post. For people that know about child development and in particular the development of the brain, it is not surprising that we start diagnosing more children with autism after their vaccinations at 18 mo. and around 3yrs. These are crucial times in the development of the child's brain; at time in which massive change and growth is occurring. It is at these times that the symptoms of autism begin to show because these are periods during the child's development in which the areas of the brain are developing. Currently, all credible evidence points to a genetic cause to the disorder which makes vaccines a very unlikely candidate for being the cause.

You started off your rant discussing the vaccines that you had as a child and how they were so few. Do you want to know why? Because the current ones had yet to be developed! Don't think for a minute that the number of vaccines were limited by some worry of the harm. Technology and finance are the only reasons you did not receive the same number of vaccines, if not more.

I know you admitted that mercury has been proven to not have been the cause, but simple logic would indicate that receiving less mercury in a shot than a can of tuna or any other large predator fish would have ruled this out to begin with, but i digress.

It is because of people refusing to vaccinate that we now have whooping cough in California and Measles in New York. The herd immunity is one of the greatest benefits of regular vaccinations of the public. If the population is defended against a specific disease, even if there is a outbreak, it is mild and short lived. Never forget, 1/3 of Europe was lost to the Plague. Millions were lost to the flue in just the 20th century. As populations grow and global travel becomes cheaper, easier, and more accessible, we must not only continue but increase the number and frequencies of vaccinations. Viruses can not be killed, they most be starved to death by removing their options to reproduce. We do this by taking advantage of the billions of years of evolution that has produced an immune system that "remembers" pathogens that enter it's system. Once a virus is able to grow and multiply within a population, the only thing you can do is wait, protect yourself, and bury the dead. It is that simple.
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Old 08-17-2010, 05:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by theaustinescorts View Post

There is however an undeniable corrolation [specific means of causation yet to be established] between the number of vaccinations given and the increase in "autism," which is really a catch-all for a variety of CNS-related developmental issues.
Let's see... The number of vaccinations is increasing. The level of autism is increasing. Therefore there's a correlation between autism and vaccination.

OK. The number of miles of toll roads in the US is increasing. The level of autism is increasing. Therefore there's an undeniable correlation between the miles of toll roads and the increase in autism.

How about high fructose corn syrup? Ultrasound procedures on pregnant women? The number of medical MRI's? The number of wireless internet routers in the home? Music piracy? Compact fluorescent light bulbs? Reality TV shows? Average household income in China? US house prices? Nicotinamide pesticides? Average consumption of cumin in the American diet? Number of air bags in cars? H1-B visas? Undeniable correlations?
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Old 08-17-2010, 07:15 PM   #8
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Finally, vaccines have been the greatest achievement in medicine, greatly increasing both the length and quality of life for billions of people.
You type that like it is a good thing )
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Old 08-17-2010, 07:45 PM   #9
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Default correlation and causation

I stated there is a strong positive correlation between the increase in the number of vaccines [5+ fold] and the incidence of autism.

In the absence of any other hypothesized cause whatsoever
at this point the only likely anyone can refer to is something to do with this increased volume of vaccines.

That's it.

What the mechanism may be in as yet unresearched. Or if there is another possible cause alternative to vaccines...it is as yet unresearched.

At this point it's unlikely to be the mercury. It could be other things.

My larger point is that a simple truth about the risk/benefit issue of all vaccines has been deliberately obscured to sell more unnecessary vaccinations. I don't believe the twenty-plus odd deseases required in modern vaccination mandates are important to pubic health, or warrant the risks of vaccination.

The H1N1 fraud of a year ago is undeniable. The manufacturer fabricated epidemiological data to support their marketing.

Unless you have actually worked in a medical manufacturing plant, as I have, you have no basis for asserting that such products are regulated to be safe or effective. Vaccines today are largely manufactured in countries and places that are so backwards, so filthy, that you wouldn't want to drink the water there. The only reason why you let anyone inject their product into you is because you have no idea where it was made, or how - neither does your Dr.

btw - starting replies by calling the poster "stupid" is what leads the discourse of this board to degenerate into name calling and rancor, which lately has almost ruined this board.

It is usually one or another of about ten guys on here all the time who are calling other people names instead of giving arguments if they disagree.
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Old 08-17-2010, 08:50 PM   #10
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my god, how old are you? college grad, cia recruit and agent for years, 7 years in the medical industry, pimp for years...not to mention the lost years I'm sure. Is there a cause you have where you didn't "Work in the industry" first?

A five fold increase in vaccinations is fairly related to the 5 fold increase in population which would equal a 5 fold increase in autism So tell me that vaccinations have anything to do with it, take them out of the equation and its fairly simple. Population increases by 5 times and autism will increase by 5 times.
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Old 08-17-2010, 09:45 PM   #11
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Lost years? Is that when he was gang banged by an entire fraternity and then talked about it in a GQ profile?

Or is it something else I missed?
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Old 08-17-2010, 09:55 PM   #12
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hell, I don't know but this guy has been involved in almost everything that has happened since 1962 and I'm curious just how old he is... Maybe the lost years means he was the 5th Beatle?
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Old 08-17-2010, 11:25 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by theaustinescorts View Post
In the absence of any other hypothesized cause whatsoever
at this point the only likely anyone can refer to is something to do with this increased volume of vaccines.
This is an absolutely terrible argument. You also have an increase in plane traffic, or baby formula, or plastics, or pharmaceuticals contaminating drinking water, or pesticide covered fruits and vegetables, or genetically modified foods. All of these things have increased exponentially in the last 10-20 years. Does that mean all of these are the cause of autism?

I understand that you at one time worked for a shady medical company and are concerned about possible contaminants. This is a good thing to be concerned about but a very unlikely cause of autistic disorders. First, it would require that all vaccines were contaminated with the same substance to cause the same symptoms. This is unlikely, as you would know since these vaccines are made all over the world. It also doesn't work because one thing that doctors do very well is monitor their drugs. As drugs are administered the serial number is recorder. This provides a great reference for pathologists to follow to find a pattern if issues arise with a particular injection or drug. To date, no pattern or connection has ever been found.

Also you completely ignored the arguments that I made. Did you even know that the definition of autism had changed? Do you understand the symptoms of autism and when those features develop? Have you studied this in any medical journals or just what Jenny McCarthy told you to read? Like most other conspiracy theorists (birthers, evolution deniers) are you going to completely ignore inconvenient facts and keep repeating lies and rubbish fed to you by other ignorant people.

I am sorry to have started my firsts response saying that your hypothesis was stupid, but this issue and the teaching of evolution are very important to me.
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Old 08-17-2010, 11:28 PM   #14
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kittyloveratx: Not that I necessarily think most were worth saving, but it is an accomplishment none the less. All I ask is that they don't get me sick
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Old 08-17-2010, 11:33 PM   #15
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Does any one even know what causes Austism? seriously, trying to blame environmental factors when the root cause of the disease is still unknown is a bit like saying "a man's cock is the root cause of std's" You laugh but if we never used them would their be std's? Nope....course murder rates would go through the roof for a generation or, well, actually only a generation as their would be no 2nd generation. but try to prove that with sophomoric logic
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