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Old 06-15-2013, 12:34 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Dealing With The "Stereotype" Of Being In The Sex Trade Professions

Hello all!
While in school this semester the conversation came up about strippers, sex trade workers, erotic models, Working girls and guys etc....

The argument of the Thesis everyone had was to prove that most of these people with said professions Did not have problems growing up, Abuse, abandonment, rape, parents didn't get along or whatever...

So my question is why did this need to come up in the first place?

Besides the Law and order television cases, How many people actually come from what society would call "normal" childhood?

What if you were never sexually abused as a child ? Perhaps you never lived in poverty and so on..... Yet you have this.... This ridiculous lust for as much dick or pussy you can get.....

Where does the whole you are in the sex business so your prior life must of been fucked up thing come from????

This is from one of my Human sexuality course......
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Old 06-15-2013, 12:42 PM   #2
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Exclamation Whore's Glory

Well, you seem angry at the mere question.

Why is that?

I saw a compelling documentary recently called "Whore's Glory".

It provided a close-up look at providers from different countries. Their lives and their struggles.

. . . The lives of most providers are quite difficult journeys. Watch if you can and you will better understand the hard lives that most providers live, but perhaps it is different for the high-end providers, maybe not so much.

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Old 06-15-2013, 12:50 PM   #3
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No not angry at all I was curious.. I think that's about it.. And Okay i'll look it up and watch it.
Thanks we saw a few different documentaries but not that one.. I would love to see it..
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
Well, you seem angry at the mere question.

Why is that?

I saw a compelling documentary recently called "Whore's Glory".

It provided a close-up look at providers from different countries. Their lives and their struggles.

. . . The lives of most providers are quite difficult journeys. Watch if you can and you will better understand the hard lives that most providers live, but perhaps it is different for the high-end providers, maybe not so much.
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Old 06-15-2013, 12:56 PM   #4
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I think my question more than anything is how do the different people deal with it?

When you meet a client and their first thought is she's a whore or a working girl so just treat her like ______ (you fill in the blank) and i'll be done with her...

I mean school is over now so it's not a project that i'm still working on I just want to pick other peoples brains to see what they think..
Also I saw The preview of magic city last night (love that show so glad its back on) and from how Judy silver was treated it got my brain thinking about the project again...

but no anger just wanting to know what others think...
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Old 06-15-2013, 01:46 PM   #5
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When I first see a woman I see a woman. I do not see a stripper, provider, housewife, college student, etc ... I see a woman. I am curious about her taint but that is my vocation. I am sure when women look at me they are wondering what they can get away with doing to my 1.3" of dangling death.
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Old 06-15-2013, 01:58 PM   #6
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Okay way off subject but where did you find your avatar ?!?! Too funny!!!
Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
When I first see a woman I see a woman. I do not see a stripper, provider, housewife, college student, etc ... I see a woman. I am curious about her taint but that is my vocation. I am sure when women look at me they are wondering what they can get away with doing to my 1.3" of dangling death.
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Old 06-15-2013, 02:49 PM   #7
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This may not be the same thing, or what you are looking for, but stereotyping is unfortunely part of everything, weather it's where you come from, race, religion, what type of career you choose for yourself. There is always going to people judge you.
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Old 06-15-2013, 03:31 PM   #8
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I've always been treated as a piece of meat. Sigh.....
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Old 06-15-2013, 10:41 PM   #9
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Interesting topic. My overall observation is this. The stereotypes are WELL deserved. I'm not trying to make a blanket statement or pass judgment, but there is a lot of truth to what goes into making a stereotype. That's why we call them stereotypes. Again, this is not to be mean-spirited or harmful to anyone. This is just my personal observation. I've been dabbling with strippers, providers, and "erotic" models since the late 1980s. For the most part (i.e. greater than 50%) the girls involved in this industry come from some sort of dysfunctional background. You name it; I've seen it or the girls have told me about it-- abuse, alcohol, drugs, broken family, poverty, etc. The number one thing I've noticed is that most girls who do this got pregnant before finishing high school or at an early age and lacked a caring environment to deal with the situation. Again, I'm not lumping all girls into this, and I do realize each individual picked this profession for their own personal reasons.
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Old 06-16-2013, 05:14 AM   #10
Karyn Lovely
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The sterotype persits because the first image of a "working girl" that comes to mind for a lot of people is a poor girl working the corner, probably on drugs and owned by a pimp. The usa and its organizations geared to "help ladies get out of this life" are of course not going to showcase the higher caliber, educated and independent providers because it's counterproductive to their agenda. Then there's also the media at play. Some people just don't want to admit that many ladies take this job up on their own volition, are clean and capable of running this as a business, and actually like what they do. Nobody wants to be a whore. Something must have happened jn their lives or they must come from a broken home because no "normal girl" would want this life.

There are a lot of providers who have bad backgrounds but so do many counselors, teachers, lawyers, etc but their adversity made them stronger just because they are in a career that is not socially stigmatized? Come on. Many ladies in this biz come from broken homes but you will see a disprportionate rates if you're only looking at one demographic. If you're only looking at strippers and streetwalkers, yes the abuse rates will be high but that almost completely disappears when looking at normal to high end providers so there's no right or proof backing up the statement that all or even most ladies come from such dire backgrounds.

If people actuallt factored in ALL workers, then you may see a demographic that is on par with other industries in terms of ladies NOT coming from any severely bad backgrounds. And all stereotypes are false. It is improbable and downright stupid to attribute any same trait to an entire population of people when you have no proof. Stereotypes are preconceived notions borne from media portayals and individual experience, both of which are biased. Until I start seeing some research journals where these claims have been scientifically investigated and upheld by the standards required by the scientific research community, I call bullshit. Opinions and stereotypes get you nowhere in life and I NEVER believe claims about people unless the information comes from a source valid enough to be taught at university level or higher.

One example is this, when you imagine or see things relating to people in poverty and on welfare what comes to mind? Poor black people maybe? Why is that? Because news, and other forms media and public exposure portray that concept primarily in this light. Stereotypes have a part to play as well because of course, most people who are poor are black. Everybody can see tat, everybody knows that. In reality the vast majority of people in poverty/gove assistance are single white mothers. Welfare was initially created to help poor white people, not minorities. Rates of povery are higher among minorities (about 1 in 4), but in sheer numbers alone white people outnumber blacks and other minorities. Sorry for dong the race thing but it's a pretty easy example when discussig stigmas and stereotypes.

You can view ladies in the sex trade through a similar lense. Everybody bases their opinions on what they think they know. Its a shame that few try to find a closer version of the truth or disregard it altogether, especially when it contradicts what they think is right. Willful Ignorance.
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Old 06-16-2013, 05:24 AM   #11
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As far as dealing with the stigma, I say fuck everybody. I have close friends who are pro sex work and support me whole heartedly. My family doesn't care much either. I've always loved sex and am very good at being an independent lady. God forbid my steady home life and university education actually impedes my business *gasp* better get some crack so I can work like the rest of 'em.
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Old 06-16-2013, 05:46 AM   #12
Zabrina Sarafina
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Karyn ....you continue to amaze me with your awareness and maturity
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Old 06-16-2013, 06:13 AM   #13
Karyn Lovely
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Aww why thank you! That means a lot coming from you Ms. Zabrina. I know I may be a little harshly opinionated at times and I do have a verbose personality, but I do try to become more aware of and question my environment and think things through. I constantly work on improving myself through knowledge.
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Old 06-16-2013, 06:18 AM   #14
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Me personally I believe and correct me if I'm wrong, Statistics find that it is more common in women that prostitution, abuse and / or unpleasant childhood are tide together.
That is definitely not a fact. I have known a few women that were very hard to satisfy just by their own human nature. That being said I am sure there are more then a few women who do it for other reasons then the money. They want to satisfy their needs as well. I do believe it is more common to be able to have a second side or in other words just be capable to keep a deep dark secret that no one knows about.
At the end of the day we are all human made of flesh. When it comes to urges, sexual temptations and desires we all cave one time or another. I mean to stereo type women who choose to provide for one reason or another, and say all or even most are damaged little girls with some sort of issues would be coming from someone in denial or unrealistic when it comes to their own sexuality. That or some people fail when it comes to having an open mind when it comes to a controversial topic such as this. Just my take....interesting topic.
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Old 06-16-2013, 06:46 AM   #15
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I am just looking for taint ... ladies ...
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