This is something I have been warning El Paso hobbyists about for years. A lot of the BP girls come to El Paso mainly for the soldiers. While this article focuses on the male to male transfer of STD's, it's not unthinkable that a male would pass on something to a provider.
Be careful boys!
Protect Yourself
The past two years have seen a surge in new HIV infections among Fort Bliss Soldiers. In 2012, the HIV infection rate at Fort Bliss was among the highest in the Army with 13 Fort Bliss Soldiers infected. There are a number of commonalities among our Soldiers who have been affected. All of our recent cases have been a result of men having unprotected sex with men. African-American and Latino Soldiers were affected disproportionately in far greater numbers.
The majority of our HIV cases resulted from online solicitations for sex, particularly from the websites Craigslist, Grinder, and Adam for Adam. This may reflect a civilian preference for military partners under the assumption our Soldiers are free of HIV. Remember, an HIV negative test does not equal lack of HIV infection. In fact, the incubation period for the virus is three to six months and during this time period the effected person is most likely to transmit the disease. Without proper medical care and medication, an HIV infection can result in a fatal case of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
A diagnosis of HIV severely limits a Soldiers career options. Soldiers with HIV cannot serve outside the Continental United States and are permanently non-deployable. HIV-positive Soldiers may not attend military schools greater than 20 weeks or schools that incur an additional service obligation. Frequently these Soldiers are compelled to change their Military Occupational Specialty to a career field which can accommodate these severe restrictions.
There are many sexually transmitted diseases in addition to HIV and in 2012, 784 Soldiers from Team Bliss were diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). We must work to educate our Soldiers and curb STI’s. Protect yourself by always having safe sex.