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Old 02-11-2013, 07:00 PM   #1
Sir Lancehernot
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Default Why the Fort Worth ads section is useless

A few other guys and I have made the point from time to time that the Fort Worth ads section is nigh on to useless, because either we can't tell whether a woman is geographically compatible, whether for incalls or outcalls, or because the provider is just cross-posting in as many venues as she can to try to attract clients or get name recognition.

With a little free time, I thought I'd try to quantify those assertions. I went to the Fort Worth ads section and opened the first 20 ads.

I'll put the summary before the data: In the Fort Worth ads section, only six of the 20 ads featured providers who said they had incalls in Fort Worth or who appeared as if they might be available for outcalls in Fort Worth.

Now, I'm a purist about such things, and I'm also very restricted in how far I can go to hobby, so when I look in the Fort Worth ads section, I do so hoping to find women I can see in Fort Worth. Recognizing that others aren't so literal, I then broadened my criteria. I found 11 ads for women who appeared as if they worked in Tarrant County or might be available for outcalls in Fort Worth. (Knock out Holly and Rod, since I'm not in their niche, and the numbers drop to 5/19 and 10/19.)

It's not quite as bad as clicking on reviews and seeing "North Dallas" over and over and over again, hoping vainly to find someone I stand a reasonable chance of seeing without having to take a whole day off.

I don't know what the answer is. I think the moderators would be disinclined to add to their workload, and I don't think the providers will ever understand that, while additional information may be nice, geographic compatibility is one thing potential clients need to know.

The data:

Ad 1:
214 phone number; ad says incalls and outcalls but doesn’t say where

Ad 2:
Incalls in Euless

Ad 3:
Incalls in east Fort Worth

Ad 4:
Incalls in mid-cities

Ad 5:
Incalls in North Dallas/Richardson/Plano

Ad 6:
No phone number, no indication of geographic area for incalls or outcalls

Ad 7:
817 area code; you have to look at the provider’s avatar to see the location “Bedford”

Ad 8:
No phone number; you have to look at the provider’s avatar to see the location “SW Fort Worth”

Ad 9:
Location is I-30 and 820, but there are two such intersections, approximately 25 miles apart

Ad 10:
Location is 820 and Beach

Ad 11:
Incalls in Arlington; Fort Worth included on outcalls list

Ad 12:
Incalls in Plano

Ad 13:
Incalls in Arlington

Ad 14:
Incall in the Galleria area; for outcall, add $125

Ad 15:
Incalls in Bedford

Ad 16:
682 area code, but no indication of geographic area for incalls or outcalls

Ad 17:
Couple in mid-cities

Ad 18:
No phone; you have to look at the provider’s avatar to see the location “Mid Cities”

Ad 19:
Incalls in North Dallas, outcalls available in “limited area”

Ad 20:
949 area code, but no indication of geographic area for incalls or outcalls
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Old 02-11-2013, 07:21 PM   #2
Jake Perman
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I'm OK with providers anywhere in Tarrant County being listed as FW, but it is ridiculous for someone on the Dallas North Tollway posting an ad in the FW section.

If mods aren't going to do something about this, there's really not much point of having a FW forum is there?
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Old 02-11-2013, 07:43 PM   #3
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Wouldn't you have the same problem if there was only a Dallas Ad section? Guys would be complaining that the FW ladies aren't really in Dallas, so we are being misleading by posting there. FW ad section has worked for me and I am sure most of the ladies in Tarrant County. It sucks that some do not use it for what it is...but I think taking away the FW ad section would really suck for the ladies in the area.
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Old 02-11-2013, 08:08 PM   #4
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I like having Mid-Cities providers list their ads in the Fort Worth section. And I agree with Ms Foster that the FW section is useful. I also agree with Sir Lancehernot's point that more definitive location would be very helpful. Take his data point, Ad 9, which gave location as I-30 and 820. As he noted, there are two of those intersections, approximately 25 miles apart. However, they are both in FW!
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Old 02-11-2013, 08:12 PM   #5
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I am with you on this . Ladies in Dallas ,post it in the Dallas forum,unless of course you are going to visit Ft Worth for a few days . It gets ridiculous to click on ladies in Plano,Frisco or even the north Tollway
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Old 02-11-2013, 09:03 PM   #6
Sugar Mr. Poon?
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Well I for one would include anything west of 360 in FW. I don't have any problem making that drive and there doesn't happen to be a mid cities ad section. Now I do agree that it is misleading for ladies in Dallas to post in the FW ad section, but if you do your own homework it's not that hard to figure out where they are approximately. And if you can't, then an quick pm never hurt anyone.

But how about this for a compromise, if Dallas ladies want to post in FW ads then they must give their approximate location in the title of the ad so no one is misleading anyone. Same goes for ladies west of 360 having to do the same for Dallas ads. That way they can still advertise in an area that they are not and let the guy decide if he wants to make the trip.
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Old 02-11-2013, 09:15 PM   #7
Sir Lancehernot
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Originally Posted by Reese Foster View Post
Wouldn't you have the same problem if there was only a Dallas Ad section? Guys would be complaining that the FW ladies aren't really in Dallas, so we are being misleading by posting there. FW ad section has worked for me and I am sure most of the ladies in Tarrant County. It sucks that some do not use it for what it is...but I think taking away the FW ad section would really suck for the ladies in the area.
Reese, although I'm not advocating elimination of the Fort Worth ads section (for starters, there's a strong bias in favor of the status quo), doing so would put the ads section on a par with the review section.

In both cases, then, you'd have even more people clicking on links that ultimately were not useful to them. The problem in both cases, for us Fort Worth guys, is that, because there's more activity in Dallas, it's more likely that someone in Dallas clicking on a link in such a Metroplex-wide forum will find something useful, while someone in Fort Worth is less likely to buy a winning ticket.

I doubt I have any answers that anyone would actually implement, and I'm glad that you find the FW ads forum useful. For me, it's just not (and I acknowledge that my inability to break free for very long puts me at a severe disadvantage to many of my brethren) ... unless I already happen to know a name to look for, and if I know that, I'm much more likely to dig for intel in the reviews.

If I'm looking for someone new, it's much easier to narrow the field via the FW BP bodyrub ads, where the parenthetical locations to the right enable me to quickly eliminate those outside my range.
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Old 02-11-2013, 09:15 PM   #8
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Yeah its a pain in the ass, but its better than not having one. The issue is the self control of lack of it, of the ones spamming it who are not local to FW. Of course they would say, well maybe someone from FW would want to come see me anyway...... and that does have a bit of merit. It should be just for those in the general FW area though but unless the mods start deleting the obvious ones expecting the providers to self regulate their advertising is about the same as asking a dog not to lick his balls....
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Old 02-11-2013, 09:17 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Sugar Mr. Poon? View Post
Well I for one would include anything west of 360 in FW.
I'd be okay with that, too. It's arbitrary, but close enough, and well-defined.

but if you do your own homework it's not that hard to figure out where they are approximately. And if you can't, then an quick pm never hurt anyone.
I disagree. It shouldn't be up to the consumer to have to contact the vendor and say, "Where do I have to go to purchase your product?" The vendor should make that clear.
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Old 02-11-2013, 09:45 PM   #10
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I feel for you guys...

Case in point. -

Attachment 195228

Title says DALLAS.
Actual thread AD mentions NOTHING about outcalls to FTW or Incalls in FTW.

This cross posting shit should stop, unless they are ACTUALLY able to be in the cities they post ads in.


Some of our Metro Locations have Provider Ad Subdivisions. (ex. Dallas/Fort Worth, 5 NE Texas Subdivisions, etc) You may post your weekly ad in as many subdivisions you would like within your 5 city allotment for the week…..however, you must be advertising availability for the geographic location you are advertising in….whether you will be traveling there from another city, have an incall in that town, or provide outcall appts to that area.

Men, you want it to stop? Get some balls and hit the RTM.
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Old 02-11-2013, 10:00 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post

Men, you want it to stop? Get some balls and hit the RTM.
I already did... now that I have balls, I need someone to lick em.
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Old 02-11-2013, 10:30 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post

Men, you want it to stop? Get some balls and hit the RTM.
See, RTMing doesn't do much good either.

Every week the same lady posts about her "free" sessions but you pay to use her apartment. I have called, she does not offer outcall to Fort Worth. She posts there most every week and I RTM as often as I see it.

She posted again this week.

Whether or not mods are acting on the RTM is unknown, but if they are the punishment is doing nothing to change her behavior.

So, if she is being punished, perhaps progressive discipline is required. If she isn't being punished, why the fuck not for what I would now consider a habitual offender.

If it is the same issue as the ISO forum (ownership doesn't give a fuck that it is worthless, therefore mods cannot enforce) then we as Tarrant hobbyists are just fucked.

Slap a member's wrists enough times (publicly if needed), you change behavior. Perhaps the issue is the nuns with the ruler are being told they cannot slap?
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Old 02-11-2013, 10:42 PM   #13
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I dont know if it helped or not but the title of my ad this week was this Carrollton/Addison area nice incall townhouse. I read what some guys want in ads and I tried to do just that this week. It made my ad more simple but maybe more helpful to the busy men that hobby.
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Old 02-11-2013, 10:46 PM   #14
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ok so my ad says 30 and 820 and there are two... but there are not any providers that i know of or have heard of in the white settlement area....
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Old 02-11-2013, 11:12 PM   #15
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This would probably require a different website format but maybe one way to limit it is to have a drop box feature in each forum that providers are posting ads. Within that drop box would be certain areas of that city. For example, if posting in the Fort Worth section the provider would have to select a specific area such as Lake Worth, Downtown, Westworth, River Oaks, Fossil Creek....you get the idea. In other words they wouldn't be able to type in their location, they would have to select from whatever is already provided in that drop box.
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