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Old 02-04-2013, 02:57 PM   #1
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Default Have you ever encountered someone who you know outside the hobby?

This is for hobbyists and providers - Have you ever encountered someone who you know outside the hobby while hobbying/providing? If so, how did you handle it? Also, how did the encounter go?

I ask because I thought I ran into a hobbyist who I knew from outside the hobby and I got extremely nervous. Then I thought "Hey, here we both are, hobbying/providing, cool... nothing to sweat about". Even after that thought, I was still very nervous, but she turned out NOT to be the person I knew, whew!

I'd love to hear stories on this.
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Old 02-04-2013, 03:43 PM   #2
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Just ignore them unless you have a friendly relationship established . I've been with hobbyist and run into another hobbyist we know , but he's with son , so you just ignore them . I haven't accidentally run into any providers , but same would apply , you don't know who might be with them .
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Old 02-04-2013, 03:59 PM   #3
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I had a very hot server who worked for me, couldn't touch her because of company polices. She left, first to be a dancer, and I'd go see her at the club, then she went to work for an escort agency. I call ed and asked for her. Loved the look on her face when I opened the door. We had our fun and both kept quite about it.
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Old 02-04-2013, 05:28 PM   #4
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Here is my reply because this same topic is in a thread on the National Forum Security section. I just copied and pasted it.

Any contact at all is just asking for trouble. If I am in HEB and I see someone that I saw BCD and he sees me, even if he doesn't see me, I will turn tail the other way. I don't know who he is there with and he doesn't know if I am there with anyone either. Just because he might "appear" to be alone doesn't mean that he is. His wife or kid might be on another aisle coming back with some orange juice. He does not need the stress of trying to come up with an explanation as to why this girl is talking to him or even worse hugging him. Be smart about things people! His pastors wife might be in the store at the same time and see the interaction. Sure it's none of her business but folks can be nosy and that's not something that you want Mrs. Preachers wife to be asking your wifey at the next ice cream social. "I wonder who that pretty gal was that I saw Bob talking to at the HEB the other day? My they sure seemed close". Egads!

Discretion is imperative!
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Old 02-04-2013, 06:07 PM   #5
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Paven points out some excellent advice.

To answer your question, yes, I've run into both male and female hobby friends in public. Use your discretion! Best option is always to ignore: you don't know who they are with, they don't know who you are with.

Of course, if you are alone and they are alone, it might be safe. This was the case a few years ago when I ran into a fellow gentleman at an Apple store. He said hi, I said hi, we chatted, and that was that.

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Old 02-04-2013, 07:17 PM   #6
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I suppose my situation is a little different. Since I see hot models a couple of times a month (during the summer anyway and probably every other month in the winter) for photo shoots as well as many attractive ladies in my day job and then run in to people all over town to me any hot girl, model, stripper, provider would be "one of my models"... No harm no foul. Yea, I know you, you know me, NO ONE knows what we do BCD...other than take pictures (they would guess). If you don't have a good excuse though I guess it could get sticky and if they are with someone who does not know of their "modeling" then that might be tough for them to explain.
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:55 AM   #7
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Saw a provider & her daughter out at a Wallyworld one day. She was scolding her daughter for misbehaving so she didn't even see me. Saw another walking her kids through a mall and I had to look for a while because it was one of those, "Don't I know you from somewhere?" type of situations. She ignored me or didn't see me. Saw another provider at same mall with her SO and her son. I have never seen this provider but I recognized her from her showcase pics. Since we never had any sessions, she didn't know who I was.

My feelings are like what Ztonk and others have said. It is best to not engage in conversation unless the provider is comfortable in doing so. I may acknowledge them with a nod, and go on about my business (notice the keyword MAY). I have never met any hobbyists in person.......yet! But, I think it would be different since we are guys. I may greet them and go about my business. Us guys can always use that, "Oh, he's just some guy I met at a bar once" type of response to our SO's.
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Old 02-05-2013, 08:29 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by cinnamonshark View Post
Us guys can always use that, "Oh, he's just some guy I met at a bar once" type of response to our SO's.
Careful some of the guys may be very restricted and don't go to bars (alone). And pending on curiosity level of SO (or friends and neighbors) these little lies may lead to trouble (even, "know him from work" can be dangerous).

Best to ignore (both genders), unless you are 100% sure about the situation.

Now how would you react when somebody approaches you?
If somebody would approach me, I would simply say, "Sorry but you must be mistaken, but no worries this happens all the time, I do have a few look a likes."

Hey I was mistaken for a movie start once, a guy who played a bad guy... did enjoy the treatment though :-)
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Old 02-05-2013, 08:47 AM   #9
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I am in a profession that puts me in the public eye more than an average person so I have had this happen more than once. On every occasion, the lady in question has always reacted appropriately. The reaction has varied from a smile to a wink to striking up conversation that is related to business environment I work in. The key is not to bring unnecessary or out of the norm attention to the situation. Like most everyone else has said, playing it on the safe side is the best route.
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Old 02-05-2013, 08:58 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by cinnamonshark View Post
Saw another provider at same mall with her SO and her son. I have never seen this provider but I recognized her from her showcase pics. Since we never had any sessions, she didn't know who I was.
I had a similar situation about a year ago - was with my family in a mall, and saw a provider that I've never met, but I recognized from her showcase pics. The strange thing was that she seemed to be aimlessly hanging around the area I was in and kept looking at me as though she recognized me. Probably just my imagination, but it weirded me out a bit.

But my answer to the OP's question is simply: you ignore her, she ignores you. There are just too many things that can go unexpectedly awry. You can always send an "it was nice to see you today ;-)" email later, if you want to acknowledge her.
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Old 02-05-2013, 01:25 PM   #11
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I just saw one a couple of weeks ago at the HEB Meat counter, her and her 'whomever' he was were shopping for steak.. she did not notice me as I walked by.. to busy looking for
'meat' haha!!
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Old 02-05-2013, 01:50 PM   #12
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I run into ladies all the time, must be why my car insurance is so high.
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Old 02-05-2013, 01:50 PM   #13
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I have had real world acquaintances or past co-workers come to visit me BCD.

One never knew I was a person from real-life, who had met him in the past. He came to see me a second time, and I still never revealed that we had previously met, and finally, he asked for a reference to see another lady.

Another time, I had a session with a fellow who looked vaguely familiar. After playing, we were talking, and discovered we had both worked for many years at the same employer. It was a blush-worthy moment, and I think it embarrassed us both a bit. I have not heard from him again, though we had a fabulous time together that afternoon.

Of course, at times, it happens that you run across someone in public that you have met in the hobby. And, it is always best to keep privacy and pretend you did not see a thing. A polite nod of acknowledgment is just fine
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Old 02-07-2013, 11:00 PM   #14
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I ran into someone I knew from a gaming circle (Yes D&D) many moons ago.

I decided to look up a provider when I was a young "whipper-snapper" and due to poor timing the other client (AKA the Guy I knew) was out on the patio enjoying an after coitus smoke when I showed up.

Luckily for me, I had a hat and put on my sunglasses (At that point I didn't give a shit that it was 3 AM)... and did the whole look the opposite way thing until he left.

Needless to say, I could never look at him the same way again whenever he threw down the ole D20.
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Old 02-08-2013, 09:35 AM   #15
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I recognized a lady from BP and ECCIE at a 7-11 several months ago in South Austin. I went in with my son to get a slurpee, and she was ahead of us getting 2 slurpees...1 for her and her SO, who was outside waiting for her in a truck.

I also ran into an ECCIE lady at a Walmart at 3am one time. She was all dressed up (and looked good), and drunk, and was in line buying a Walmart gasoline card. The weird thing was that she was hitting up the guys in line for $10. She just wanted guys to give her $10. LOL
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