I was drifting off to sleep the other night, when I thought "I wonder how people differ in their perfect bed & how they like to fall into slumber." So, I thought I would share mine and see if anyone else wanted to as well. I first of all must have a fluffy pillow-top mattress. I love my Nautica white sheets as they just tend to feel colder to the skin when I slide in. It has to be dark & super cool. I may play some jazz or classical just until the eyelids start to get heavy then it must be turned off. I like absolute silence & the slightest noise tends to wake me. I tam very hot by nature so I almost always kick one foot out of the covers. I also end up wrapping the covers in between my legs, and for this have become known as a "cover hog" a bit unfair I think...lol. I would love to hear how everyone else enjoys to "get their sleep on"!!