Date: 5/13/2010
Provider: Dannie
Phone: she will provide
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: my office
Appointment Type: In-stall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: See ROS
Session Length: ~2 seconds
Fee: gratis (newbie special)
Hair Length and Color: short brown
Age: 33
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: per her showcase 38DD-30-40; 5'7" 150#; But see ROS.
The Rest of the Story:
The set up:
Dannie and I had been exchanging pm's for over a week and working on setting up a day when I could takeoff an afternoon next week. I'd had a big lunch and was just back at the office, checked my emails, then quickly checked my naughty email from my blackberry browser. Yup, she'd sent me a pm! Here we go...
Scoping it out:
I cruise over to where I'm headed, alert for LE ("lavatory eyes" - the old lady who sits right by the restroom and in my head is vigilant about how long one spends in there- she sees you coming and going, after all.) No sign of her so I head in...
The In-stall:
No one's in there and the back "disabled friendly" stall is open. Score! The other stall is not my preferred option because your feet can be seen when someone else comes in to use the urinals. I don't have a particularly "wide stance" but for those of you who do the back stall is extra roomy.
Down to Business:
Pants down, sit down, and I pull up the ECCIE inbox on the trusty blackberry browser (personal, not work, and clear the history every night). By the time I've clicked through and scrolled down past all the names that on your computer appear ignored on the left hand side but on the blackberry you have to scroll through (anyone else experience this? annoying.) -well, my regular business is about done. All the kids dropped off at the pool. Then I open her pm, and well, won't go into detail, but it's kind of hot. Not enough to give me a raging hard-on, but a bit of a chubby. I'm liking what I'm reading, and the mental images.
The Climax:
So normally I don't pay attention to my penis when I'm taking a dump. It just hangs down. I teach my toddler to keep his hand over it and push it down so he doesn't pee all over the place, but if I were to do that the tip would dip into the water, and kind of that's gross. So it just hangs there, and if I need to pee, I pee, without thinking about it. Of course, I'm not usually conjuring up sexy mental images when I'm taking an dump, either. I guess I got the urge to pee, but was far more focused on what I was reading and didn't think about it a bit. I sure wasn't thinking about the fact that I had developed the little chubby that was not hanging in the usual downward direction. Then I feel a warm splash on my bare calf.
WHOA! SHIT!! Get that thing pointed down in the toilet!
Breathing heavy... Damage Control. Cleaned up with toilet paper best I could. Yes, significant splashes on my boxers and pants. Thankfully, dark slacks that day, and no one was around.
Recommendation: Hell NO! Will never again try to read this kind of stuff sitting on the throne, and if I do will be sure to point him down!
Yes, true story;
Yes, I told her; she thought it was funny;
Yes, I'm a newbie but NO, certainly not asking for credit for this review;
I thought about posting this in the reviews, but figured the ladies would enjoy making fun of me, so posting it here.
Anyway, hope it's good for a chuckle at my expense.