Originally Posted by JohnBrown7
I have asked Whispers to explain his behavior not because he chose poorly (or wisely), but because I would like to understand why he chose to handle his friend that way.
If you have an issue with what Whispers did then you should bring that up, if you don't then you should bring that up.
To simply state a query asking him to explain his behavior for calling out someone in a public forum, using a public forum is a two-faced and childish.
You feel like he did something wrong, then you should have brought it up in in the other thread instead of posting a new thread.
In other words, you could have written a post like this one, where I question your behavior in this thread, but am to the point about it. I think that your post lacks substance and purpose. It appears to me that you simply want to call whispers out for some reason without explaining why.
If you are going to post then make it count, otherwise think twice before you hit send.