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Old 11-15-2011, 12:59 PM   #1
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Default Is Obama Stupid and Lazy?

Is Obama Stupid and Lazy?

Obama may not be as intelligent as his supporters assure us.

By Steve Baldwin, a Western Journalism Exclusive
Is Obama Stupid and Lazy?Although that’s quite a provocative question, evidence is mounting that Obama may not be as intelligent as his supporters and cheerleaders in the media constantly assure us. The reality may be that Obama is mostly a creation of the liberal media. Indeed, the more we dig into his past, the more we find very little substance and discover how a network of liberal professors, law firms, and others, gave him a pass on performance while he pursued his political agenda.
Educational Background
We know very little about Obama’s academic performance. Sources state that he attended an elite K-12 school in Hawaii called Punahou School, but the school claims that his records are missing.
Obama attended the prestigious Occidental College in California. This is puzzling, however, because he has admitted in his book and elsewhere that he was engaged in heavy drug use while in high school. This seems to show that his studies were the last thing on his mind. How he got in remains a mystery and Obama’s attorneys have blocked access to those records.
Obama finished up his undergraduate years at Columbia College, but, again, Obama won’t release those records either. We have no information to suggest he was a good student. We do know, however, that he did not graduate with honors from Columbia. As the New York Sun writes:
University Spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated with a major in
political science but without honors. Nevertheless, he was later admitted to Harvard Law
Being accepted by Harvard Law School without graduating with honors from Columbia suggests that Obama was admitted to Harvard based on race and perhaps, by that time, his growing reputation as a liberal political superstar.
Obama has also refused to release his Columbia thesis, which was about nuclear disarmament of the West. Perhaps Obama is fearful that his thesis, which likely advocates the disarming of the West at the peak of the Cold War, would be seen as incredibly stupid – which it would be.

Obama at Columbia University

Indeed, the only article anyone can find written by Obama during his undergraduate years is one published by the Sundial, a campus newspaper. Titled Breaking the War Mentality, it’s an idiotic piece that reads like something out of the mind of a 14 year old. Moreover, it simply repeats the propaganda lines of various campus anti-war groups. He writes favorably of nuclear freeze groups, of whom, we now know – thanks to the opening of KGB archives – were being manipulated by the Soviets.
Indeed, the numerous efforts of Obama’s legal team to seal all his academic records brings suspicion that Obama wants to hide his lack of academic achievements, which means that liberal college administrators at Occidental and Columbia admitted him based on his skin color and perhaps even his liberal political pedigree. With college faculty and administration completely dominated by liberals and with rage for affirmative action at its peak at that time, this is a highly possible scenario.
Not graduating with honors from Columbia College almost guarantees that Obama’s acceptance to the Harvard Law School was hinged on affirmative action. We also know that some prominent liberals were lobbying the school to gain Obama admittance. It’s no wonder Obama has refused to release any Harvard records as well; nor will he release his LSAT or SAT scores. Moreover, how Obama was elected to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review is also controversial.
Historically, those who become president of the HLR do so based off of outstanding grades, but not in Obama’s case. Indeed, at the time of his election, there was a push to promote blacks to leadership positions on campus, regardless of merit. The left felt that racial promotions, regardless of merit, was a way to pay back the white man’s “debt” to blacks for the slavery era.
Obama made headlines when he was elected the first black president of the HLR. But breaking the racial barrier was the goal of those who elected him in much the same way many Americans voted for him for president due to his skin color. When affirmative action programs promote people due skin color and not merit, eventually someone pays a price. In Obama’s case, America is paying the price. At the time, Obama even admitted that his HLR election was about race, telling the New York Times:

The fact that I’ve been elected shows a lot of progress.
Indeed, according to the NYT, the head of the HLR used to be selected based on grades, but that’s no longer the case:

The system came under attack in the 1970’s and was replaced by a program in which about
half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students
after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to
help insure that minority students became editors of the Law Review.
No one will reveal what Obama wrote for his essay, but we can assume Obama wrote a feel-good liberal essay on some politically correct topic and, combined with the incentive to “make history,” the HLR staff voted him as president. But it’s clear his election was not due to his scholarship. It was all about race and politics. Obama even admits as such in 1990 HLR statement:
Since the merits of the Law Review’s selection policy has[sic] been the subject of commentary for the
last three issues, I’d like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works…
I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action
programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law
Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not
personally felt stigmatized either within the broader law school community or as a staff member
of the Review.
Note that in the very first sentence of this statement, Obama writes the noun “merits” as plural and the verb “had” as singular! And this from the editor of the HLR? Ironically, Obama’s statement confirming that the affirmative action mentality elected him also affirms how affirmative action lowers academic standards.
What is strange about Obama’s tenure with HLR is that he wrote hardly anything for the publication during his two year term with them. Only one article has been found, an unsigned six-page summary on the question of whether fetuses should be able to file suits against their mothers. According to Poltico:
The temperate legal language doesn’t display the rhetorical heights that run through his memoir, published a few years later….
Others have pointed out numerous logic and grammatical errors in the piece that any “brilliant” HLR editor would not have made. Indeed, as far as can be determined, Obama is the first HLR president in Harvard’s history to not have written anything for the Review under his own name. Was Obama not capable of writing well-researched legal briefs? What was he afraid of?
Harvard is notorious for its liberal faculty and one can see how a promising, liberal, half-Kenyan, black-activist would be passed for work that wouldn’t have been accepted from a white or Asian student.
Yes, Obama graduated in the top 10% of his class, but with the obsessive, affirmative-action mentality held by his professors, one can assume that he was favored on reasons other than intellectual merit. Obama’s politics were well known to them and as a result of being a history-making first president of the HLR, it’s a good bet that his professors treated him the same way the Harvard admission officers treated him – lowering the standards and inflating the grades.
Speaking Ability

Jon Favreau is the main speechwriter at The White House

One reason why the media has declared Obama to be “brilliant” is because of his inspirational speeches. However, Obama doesn’t write his speeches—His campaign speeches were written by Jon Favreau, who is now his main speechwriter at the White House. The soaring words and inspirational phrases were all written by Favreau. Without Favreau, Obama’s speeches are mediocre.
Don’t believe me? Visit YouTube.com and search for “Obama with no teleprompter,” and you’ll find a slew of speeches in which he sounds like a fool, stuttering and stammering. Without a speech prepared for him and without a teleprompter, he’s a less thanaverage speaker. Being unable to speak extemporaneously, like the media claims he can, is a sign of his lack of brilliance. What’s more, not only is his grammar and syntax off in his unprepared speeches, his thoughts are also confusing:
Well, let me — let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s.
It will be a strong friend of Israel’s under a McCain government — administration. It will

be a strong friend of Israel’s under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change.
Even Bush was a better “off-the-cuff” speaker than Obama is.
Moreover, it was discovered that many of Obama’s speeches contained the same phrases as those of Deval Patrick, the Governor of Massachusetts. These same boilerplate platitudes that many American voters found so appealing were, in fact, used by a left-wing Governor in Massachusetts. Regardless, there was is an explanation for this plagiarism; David Axelrod was the campaign strategist for both Obama and Patrick.
Professional Career
Following his graduation from Columbia, Obama claims he worked as a research assistant for a high powered consulting firm. This position he supposedly held has turned out to be misleading and nothing short of a joke. A colleague has since reported what Obama really did: He actually worked for a small company that published a business forecasting newsletter. Obama would take economic reports from other countries and collate them into a three ring binder to be sent out to subscribers. He didn’t do any legal work for them. In fact, he did work typical of an intern.
After Obama graduated from Harvard Law, he did not to seek work as a clerk for a prominent liberal judge, as most of his Harvard colleagues did. The work of a law clerk is demanding and it is doubtful that Obama was capable of completing such a challenge. Instead, Obama was hired by a Chicago law firm. But he didn’t do any heavy lifting there either. Instead, he spent all his time writing notes for his first book. As Allison Davis, a founding partner of the firm wrote:
Some of my partners weren’t happy with that, Barrack sitting there with his key board on his lap and his feet up on the desk writing the book.
No can find any law briefs written by Obama at this time. It appears that he was just “parked” at the law firm, preparing himself for a political career. Indeed, Obama will NOT release his billing records for this time period, so it is suspected that he is hiding the fact that he didn’t engage in any substantial work for this law firm.

Obama at the University of Chicago Law School

After he accepted this position, Obama’s incompetence was exposed. Here is what one blogger, familiar with the exams Obama gave while “teaching” at the University of Chicago:

But it gets even worse when you try to read the Constitutional Law exams at Chicago; for instance, here’s an exam from 2003 [when Obama was 42 years old] where the preposition doesn’t agree with the verb:

Law week, two men, Richard and Michael, walked into you office and asked for your help.
You learn that they are a monogamous, gay couple who have been living
together for the past ten years. Both men are successful architects, and after devoting the past decade on their respective careers, they have now decided that they want to marry and raise children together.

Setting aside the “Law” and “you office” typos, a man doesn’t devote a decade on his career – he devotes a decade to his career.

But of course that’s the same pattern we saw back in 1990, and which persisted throughout
the 1990s and into this decade – the nouns don’t agree with the verbs, and the verbs don’t agree with the
prepositions – and that’s just sweating the little stuff.

The other night, a few of us got together and were trying to parse some of the gibberish in the old exam
answer sheets, and after about fifteen minutes of reading stuff like this, we just threw our hands up in the
air, and begged, “No mas!”
A more interesting question arises if we assume that a court rejects Helen’s claim that a
fundamental right is at stake, and instead chose to subject PFVA to rational basis review.
The recent Romer opinion may not overturn (in fact, it doesn’t even mention) Bowers, but
it nevertheless indicates that even under rational, basis review, the Equal Protection Clause
does not permit classifications based merely on a majority’s “distaste” of a particular group –
at least not insofar as the classification is not merely directed at the group’s ability to engage
in particular conduct that the majority finds disturbing, but rather, is “class legislation” that
potentially disadvantages the group in a range of activities unrelated to any particular conduct.

By our count, that’s approximately 10.75 different negations in one sentence. But then somebody noticed
this little gem from the 1996 answer sheet:
Which spin on Romer the Court might adopt is anybody’s guess. What is safe to say is that the
views of particular justices on the desirability of rearing in children in homosexual households
would play a big part in the decision.

This paragraph doesn’t even make sense. Obama was not only incomprehensible in his writing, but he was obsessed with group identity and other bogus legal theories. During the presidential campaign Obama claimed he was a “Constitutional law professor” at the University of Chicago Law School, but this is not true. He was listed on the Chicago Law School website as a “Senior Lecturer in Law.” That is not the same as a law professor. As Lynn Sweet writes in the Chicago Sun-Times:
The University of Chicago released a statement on Thursday saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)
‘served as a professor’ in the law school—but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there
part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed on Friday. ‘He did not hold the title
of professor of law,’ said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and
Lecturer in Law at the school, on East 60th St. in Chicago. . . .

The university statement said, ‘From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack
Obama served as a professor in the Law School.’ The school probably did not mean to imply that
Obama became a University of Chicago professor a year out of law school. But the word ‘served’ is
key— Nagorsky said Obama carried out, or served, a function of a professor—teaching a core
curriculum course while a senior lecturer—while at the same time not holding down that rank.. . . .

While Obama was also part of the law school community, his appointment was not part of an academic
search process and he did not have any scholarly research obligations which professors often do.
It appears as if the University of Chicago babysat him as well. Not having to complete any research like real professors do, Obama was free to continue his hard left networking and community organizing in preparation for his political career.

Obama worked for Acorn

At this point in his life, Obama worked for a number of community organizing groups but finding anything written by him is almost impossible. His name did appear on a ACORN lawsuit against Citibank which forced them to approve home loans for people who were not qualified (yes, Obama and his ACORN friends contributed to the credit crisis now destroying America), but he is one of nine attorneys listed and there is no evidence he wrote any of the briefs.
Indeed, it does not appear that he ever used his Harvard Law School degree to engage in any legitimate legal work. Perhaps he learned so little about the law at Harvard, he simply wasn’t prepared to engaged in any real legal work.
We do know that his community organizing work was generally considered incompetent. When he was hired by the Annenberg Foundation to carry out reforms focused on a few dozen public Chicago schools, he was a complete failure. He and his best fiend, terrorist Bill Ayers, were given a $150 million grant to improve the performance of a few dozen schools, but internal Annenberg audits reveal there was zero improvement. In fact, in some areas, the school’s performance declined, as I explained in “What is Obama’s Real Education Agenda?”:
Indeed, a 2003 a report by the Chicago Annenberg Research Project, a group entrusted with
analyzing the results of the Annenberg Challenge, found that ‘there were no statistically significant
difference in student achievement between Annenberg Schools and demographically similar non-
Annenberg schools. This indicates that there was no Annenberg effect on achievement.’ And that
was in academics.
Even in the touchy-feely areas of ‘student’s sense of self-efficacy and social competence’ the report
found ‘there were no statistically significant differences in these outcomes between Annenberg [funded]
schools and non-Annenberg schools.’ It gets worse. The report revealed that in some areas such as
‘student peer support for academic learning, inclusive school leadership, and teacher commitment,’
these ‘failed to improve and some weakened.’
How can one blow $150 million and not show any improvement? This is the extent of Obama’s executive experience and it reveals total incompetence. And yet the Obama team had the gall to attack Governor Palin for being inexperienced!
Dreams of my Father
Dreams From My Father by Bill Ayers

By the beginning of October 2008, my confidence that Dreams had been thoroughly doctored and that the doctor was none other than terrorist emeritus Bill Ayers.
This stunning revelation wasignored by the establishment media until best-selling author Chris Anderson, in his new book, Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage, revealed that sources close to Obama confirm that Bill Ayers wrote Dreams of My Father. But for years, Obama claimed to have written it and also claimed to have not known Ayers well. Now we know both statements are lies. As Cashill writes:
Only in America could an America-hating terrorist conspire with an unskilled writer of uncertain
origins on an untruthful memoir and succeed in getting the man elected president. This plot is an
absolutely rich, so thoroughly cinematic, that the literary gatekeepers refuse to believe it’s true.
Sorry to disillusion you.
State Senate Career
While in the Illinois State Senate, his accomplishments were meager. In fact, he didn’t show up much of the time. Records show he didn’t even bother to vote much of the time either. He also voted “present” more than any other legislators – 130 times — which simply means you’re “neutral” on the issue being voted upon. The few bills he introduced were handed to him by veteran legislators.
He was handed 26 bills by a fellow senator his first years as a state senator, bills all written by others. He was known as a “Bill Jacker,” which is someone who steals other people’s legislative ideas and then claims credit for them. Even the so called “ethics” legislation he often mentioned on the campaign trail was a fraud. This was an already crafted bill created by Senator Emil Jones. Jones allowed Obama to take a lead on it to help his career. This is not a sign of genius.
U.S. Senate Career
In the U.S. Senate Obama once again repeated his “bill jacking” actions. He often claimed credit for bills he was merely a co-sponsor of but had no involvement in creating. When Texas State Senator Kirk Watson was questioned by Chris Matthews to list any of Obama’s legislative accomplishments, he was unable to name one. The exchange can be viewed here.
Following a number of meetings involving intense negotiations on the 2006 immigration “reform” bill (the amnesty bill), there was a press conference. Obama showed up and actually spoke as if he was part of the negotiations when in fact he had nothing to do with the crafting of the bill.
McCain accused Obama of “partisan postering” since the few meetings they had never produced any legislation. Maybe he is not the only one who is sick of his lies and stupidity.

Obama even took credit for a banking bill which disinvested money from Iran:
Just this past – this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which
is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran as a way of racheting up the pressure
to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.
The problem is, Obama was not a member of the Banking Committee and had nothing to do with the bill.
Having very little legislative accomplishments and stealing other people’s ideas is not a sign of brilliance. It’s a sign of laziness and arrogance.

Many of his Polices Aren’t Just Liberal, They’re Stupid!
Outside of “identity politics” and sports, Obama has little understanding of the real world:
  • His repeated bows to foreign leaders, which suggests he doesn’t understand basic protocol.
  • His efforts to try terrorists in civilian court reveal a severe misunderstanding of the U.S. Constitution.
  • His idea that massive government spending will generate private sector jobs is a bizarre view not held by any credible free market economist and has no historical precedent.
  • His belief that additional burdens placed upon the private sector will not have any impact on job creation defies all logic.
  • His belief that government must take over all health care in order to make it more efficient completely ignores the history of socialized medicine all over the world.
  • He appears to have no basic understanding of free-market economics.
  • His view that apologizing to America’s enemies will earn us goodwill is naïve and incredibly stupid.
Nor does Obama Understand even Basic History:
  • He claimed the Americans liberated Auschwitz and Treblinka. They did not.
  • He said the whole world came together to save Berlin during the airlift. No they didn’t; it was mostly an American and British effort.
  • He portrays his father as a freedom fighter, when in fact he was part of an extremely violent, corrupt movement in Kenya.
  • He believes his Kenyan family was involved with the African freedom movement. No, they weren’t. Obama’s relatives have attempted to impose Sharia law in Kenya.
  • He even thinks the origins of his name is Swahili. No, its not. It’s Arabic. Swahili has nothing to do with his name.
  • He claims that as a result of the Selma march, he was born. Not true. Obama was born four years before the Selma march.
Obama’s Stupidity is Reflected by the Most Naive Cabinet Ever.
Obama’s lack of knowledge about how the free enterprise system works is not just limited to him, but also reflected in who he has chosen to lead his administration. J.P Morgan tracks the percentage of cabinet officials — 432 in all – who have private sector experience. They’ve been doing this since 1900. The vast majority of Presidential cabinets have selected around 50% of its people from private sector backgrounds. Except Obama’s cabinet. Only 8% of his cabinet officials hail from the private sector. This does not mean they’re stupid, but it does reveal how incredibly naïve it is for Obama is to appoint so many people with NO private sector experience to oversee a collapsing economy.
He’s all fluff and no content.

The Cult of Personality
They all apparently believed he was destined for power and would be the one who transforms America. Not because of his intelligence; but because of the fabricated image he projected.
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Old 11-16-2011, 05:13 AM   #2
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He was the Editor-In-Chief of the Harvard Law Review. That's not something they hand you because you're black, popular or charming. It's because you're smart as a whip and are willing to work your ass off.

Back to the shallow end of the pool, Marshall.
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Old 11-16-2011, 06:06 AM   #3
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Marshall, it's not for nothing that I have honored you with a place in my signature.

No further comments needed I think
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:33 AM   #4
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Oh come on. I think a lot of negative things about him, but not that he’s stupid or lazy. It’s hard to make the truly negative things about him stick or decent arguments against someone if everything one says is negative and / or not correct. I will agree that he is a cult of personality. But that’s more a reflection on us as a nation not a negative reflection on him.
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:46 AM   #5
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He was the Editor-In-Chief of the Harvard Law Review. That's not something they hand you because you're black, popular or charming. It's because you're smart as a whip and are willing to work your ass off.

you musta missed this part of the article wimpage:

Not graduating with honors from Columbia College almost guarantees that Obama’s acceptance to the Harvard Law School was hinged on affirmative action. We also know that some prominent liberals were lobbying the school to gain Obama admittance. It’s no wonder Obama has refused to release any Harvard records as well; nor will he release his LSAT or SAT scores. Moreover, how Obama was elected to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review is also controversial.
Historically, those who become president of the HLR do so based off of outstanding grades, but not in Obama’s case. Indeed, at the time of his election, there was a push to promote blacks to leadership positions on campus, regardless of merit. The left felt that racial promotions, regardless of merit, was a way to pay back the white man’s “debt” to blacks for the slavery era.

Obama made headlines when he was elected the first black president of the HLR. But breaking the racial barrier was the goal of those who elected him in much the same way many Americans voted for him for president due to his skin color. When affirmative action programs promote people due skin color and not merit, eventually someone pays a price. In Obama’s case, America is paying the price. At the time, Obama even admitted that his HLR election was about race, telling the New York Times:

The fact that I’ve been elected shows a lot of progress.
Indeed, according to the NYT, the head of the HLR used to be selected based on grades, but that’s no longer the case:

The system came under attack in the 1970’s and was replaced by a program in which about
half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students
after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to
help insure that minority students became editors of the Law Review.
No one will reveal what Obama wrote for his essay, but we can assume Obama wrote a feel-good liberal essay on some politically correct topic and, combined with the incentive to “make history,” the HLR staff voted him as president. But it’s clear his election was not due to his scholarship. It was all about race and politics. Obama even admits as such in 1990 HLR statement:
Since the merits of the Law Review’s selection policy has[sic] been the subject of commentary for the
last three issues, I’d like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works…
I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action
programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law
Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not
personally felt stigmatized either within the broader law school community or as a staff member
of the Review.
Note that in the very first sentence of this statement, Obama writes the noun “merits” as plural and the verb “had” as singular! And this from the editor of the HLR? Ironically, Obama’s statement confirming that the affirmative action mentality elected him also affirms how affirmative action lowers academic standards. What is strange about Obama’s tenure with HLR is that he wrote hardly anything for the publication during his two year term with them. Only one article has been found, an unsigned six-page summary on the question of whether fetuses should be able to file suits against their mothers. According to Poltico:
The temperate legal language doesn’t display the rhetorical heights that run through his memoir, published a few years later….
Others have pointed out numerous logic and grammatical errors in the piece that any “brilliant” HLR editor would not have made. Indeed, as far as can be determined, Obama is the first HLR president in Harvard’s history to not have written anything for the Review under his own name. Was Obama not capable of writing well-researched legal briefs? What was he afraid of?
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:56 AM   #6
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Why doesn't Obama post his academic records like all the other Presidents so we could finally decide? His record is probably blemished and Obama likely claimed foreign student status so he could get financial aid and preferntial treatments (see below comment regarding "gaming the system").

I think Obama is lazier than most Presidents and not as intelligent; but I do think he is a gamer who knows how to play the system to his advantage - so one could say he has street smarts.
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:09 AM   #7
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Number of AP reporters assigned to fact check Palin's book (Going Rouge) ? 11.
Number of AP reporters assigned to fact check Obama's book (Dreams of My Father)? 0.
Number of AP reporters assigned to fact check Biden's book (Promises To Keep)? 0.
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:28 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Why doesn't Obama post his academic records like all the other Presidents so we could finally decide? His record is probably blemished and Obama likely claimed foreign student status so he could get financial aid and preferntial treatments (see below comment regarding "gaming the system").

I think Obama is lazier than most Presidents and not as intelligent; but I do think he is a gamer who knows how to play the system to his advantage - so one could say he has street smarts.
Why?? He is not requires to WW. Can you tell me what Bush's grades were in school?
Here's Perry's grades : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/0..._n_919357.html

As mentioned already being President of the Harvard Review is a serious accomplishmnent: http://www.nytimes.com/1990/02/06/us...ew.html?src=pm
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:38 AM   #9
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Bush and Gore grades and SATs: http://www.insidepolitics.org/heard/heard32300.html

Obama's grades and SAT's: _________ (fill in the blank link please) !

I see Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Bush. Where is Obama's SAT scores?

Paul Allen: 1600 (Republican, chairman of Microsoft)
Bill Oreilly: 1585
James Woods: 1579 (democrat, but vocally supportive of Pres. Bush)
Ben Stein: 1573 (Republican, avidly pro-life)
Rush Limbaugh: 1530
Al Gore: 1355
George W. Bush: 1206
John Kerry: 1190
Bill Clinton: 1032
Al Franken: 1020
Janeane Garofalo: 950 (avid liberal activist)
Howard Stern: 870 (perverted liberal asshole)
B. Obama: ?????????????????????????????? ????

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Old 11-16-2011, 09:42 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Bush and Gore grades and SATs: http://www.insidepolitics.org/heard/heard32300.html

Obama's grades and SAT's: Twice the combined scores of Whirlway and Marshall_ (fill in the blank link please) !

I see Clinton, Gore, Bush. Where is Obama's SAT scores?

Paul Allen: 1600 (Republican, chairman of Microsoft)
Bill Oreilly: 1585
James Woods: 1579 (democrat, but vocally supportive of Pres. Bush)
Ben Stein: 1573 (Republican, avidly pro-life)
Rush Limbaugh: 1530
Al Gore: 1355
George W. Bush: 1206
John Kerry: 1190
Bill Clinton: 1032
Al Franken: 1020
Janeane Garofalo: 950 (avid liberal activist)
Howard Stern: 870 (perverted liberal asshole)
B. Obama: ?????????????????????????????? ????

and your point is WW? Didn't Einstein flunk Math? WW all kidding aside you know there are people who are good test takers and don't know shit and there are people who are poor test takers and know a helluva a lot.
WW there are hundreds of studies that prove that standarized test don't measure intelligence or achievement: http://www.standardizedtesting.net/
I would hardly call George Bush an intelligent man.
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:44 AM   #11
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My point is that we know Einstein (a private citizen) flunked math; but we are suppose to believe on faith that Obama was a stellar student. What is Obama hiding? Why doesn't he man up like Einstein, Bush, Gore, and Kerry.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
and your point is WW? Didn't Einstein flunk Math? WW all kidding aside you know there are people who are goo test takers and don't know shit and there are people who are poor test takers and know a helluva a lot.
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Old 11-16-2011, 10:01 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
My point is that we know Einstein (a private citizen) flunked math; but we are suppose to believe on faith that Obama was a stellar student. What is Obama hiding? Why doesn't he man up like Einstein, Bush, Gore, and Kerry.
WW again- why would it matter- proof is in the pudding- the fact that he was editor in chief of the Harvard Review is enough for me- I am pretty sure they don't select C and D students to that position and the fact that he got that position speaks volumes- I am pretty sure there were some other very well qualified individuals so there was something that impressed them to get that position
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Old 11-16-2011, 10:05 AM   #13
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Ok; it's a free country, you can be like this guy.......but you have to admit your "proof is in the pudding" is lame ! I say Obama is hiding somthing in his records he doesn't want the public to see.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
WW again- why would it matter- proof is in the pudding- the fact that he was editor in chief of the Harvard Review is enough for me- I am pretty sure they don't select C and D students to that position.
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Old 11-16-2011, 10:22 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Ok; it's a free country, you can be like this guy.......but you have to admit your "proof is in the pudding" is lame ! I say Obama is hiding somthing in his records he doesn't want the public to see.

WW you wouldn't even tell me who you voted for in 20008- but yet you say Obama is hiding something????
Let's see- we do know he graduated from Harvard and Columbia right-that's not disputed? If he graduated he must have had passing grades-so please tell me WTF could he be hiding??????
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Old 11-16-2011, 12:45 PM   #15
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Uh, Einstein did not fail math. Also, we know how Einstein did in school, but we don't know about Obama.

Trust me, Mr. President, you are no Albert Einstein.

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