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Business Services Use this forum to post on the wide range of business services available to our female members. (Website design, scheduling, photography, etc.) You may advertise your services here or ladies "in need of" business services may post here as well.

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Old 10-22-2011, 04:08 AM   #1
The Pilgrim
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Join Date: Jan 8, 2010
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 72
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Default Ladies, Selecting a Photographer? Taking Austin Ladies Photos Since 2003


I hate it when I hear that "well, how can I trust you etc. etc. when the last photographer did x-y-z ...". I'm sure you like to be judged and held accountable for your own actions and performance. Not those of others.

Photographers are the same way - at least, the credible ones.

I've been taking beautiful, tasteful images for ladies in the Austin, Texas area since 2003. And I have many satisfied clients and a perfect record for safety, discretion and performance.

Just do your homework, check references, ask for samples, ask questions about the process and the delivery timeframe and medium.

Most serious glamour photographers - of which I am one - believe that you should NEVER show a client RAW images. Our/my job is to make you look great and feel great, to bolster your self-esteem and help your business. Most often those ends are not served by simplying snapping the photos and handing the lady a card of raw images.

I advise my ladies of the process - beforehand - that I will review and select images after the shoot - and before sharing them. After eliminating the technically flawed or one's with content problems (eyes closed, mouth open, stray hairs etc.) I email proofs. The lady selects the dozen or so she likes best and I apply my Photoshop skills to make them the best images possible - while maintaining the ladies real appearance.

And I do some times exchanges ervices - if requested! - or charge a reasonable fee for my time and skills. I always try to make the fees fit a lady's budget - cause I truly love what I do.

And, yes, it should be a great deal of fun for both the model and the photographer - and it is often extremely erotic - sometimes even more so for the models (Most of the time, I'm working too hard to get hard!

Its been a wonderful experience for me and I have made so many lasting friendships with "my ladies".

So ... in conclusion, just do your research and ask questions until you are sure you will be comfortable with the person taking your photos. Then trust them and relax, which will help them make you look your very best - and have a great time doing so.

Brian Michaels Photography
Austin, Texas
brian_michaels_photography@yah oo.com
(512) 415-5156

Sampls and References on request.
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File Type: jpg Shayla 2011-08-19 0061 300x400 BMP.jpg (141.1 KB, 103 views)
File Type: jpg Jessica 0087 (386x640) BMP.jpg (175.8 KB, 116 views)
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