Originally Posted by mrbig2284
i am just saying if anything fuss here. not on backpage,just makes no sense to do this in a open (watched)forum. on the other hand i am sure who ever is managing this groupe of providers is very smart,and should have known that there rep for having good service is more then enough of a statement. there was no need to strike back at who ever posted the ad against them. like i said a while back" if the service is good and the price remains fair then everyone would still use them" no matter what one hater says
True, but then again, i think her post was more directed to the hater who she identified as an ex. i think it was to let this annonymous person know she is aware of who it is.
as for is it safe to see an elf, i have never known it not to be, everyone whos seen them will tell you, they dont even bend the rules a little, and are very cautious in their business. No argument i am bias, as we all know i built the Elves, but i do KNOW as of yesterday, there was no active LE interest in BR.