FINALLY ALBANY GUYS ARE CATCHING ON!!! I've been telling you for years now: Brazilian escorts are God's gift to men.
I was an out-of-control paid-sex addict for nearly 15 years. Really bad and nothing good about it. Then I found the Brazilians, and they have cured me! Legitimately.
They've raised the bar so high that I no longer have any interest in STG garbage; Sugarbabies; AMP's; UTR's; American travelers. Zilch! The Brazilians are so consistently amazing with zero hassle that everything else is just a waste of time and money. My average now is I'll see a traveling Brazilian (usually in Hartford) once every three weeks. I'll jerk off to free porn for a few weeks (or maybe spend under $100 total on cam girls for the week) and then save up my cum/libido to maximize the excitement for the upcoming Brazilian hour.
It's an hour escape from the matrix. A cheat code for men. I'm glad some of you guys have finally also found the sixty-minute Shangri-La. There's nothing like having a beautiful, fit, youthful, sensual, sexual Goddess focusing for an hour her full undivided attention solely on your sexual gratification. Once you experience this, you'll never pay to see a hag again.
Here's the last Brazilian I saw:
Real photo. Stunningly beautiful. Real tits (she actually had surgery for a breast reduction, which should be illegal).
It's the best money you'll spend all month. All of you can experience this.