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Old 12-13-2023, 05:41 PM   #1
Salty Again
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Default Biden IMPEACHMENT Inquiry

... G'day Yinz-ers,

... And there it is - the House of Congress just
authorised a good Impeachment Inquiry against
President Joe Biden.

... Now perhaps the White House will quit-with
their stalling tactics and give the Oversight
Committee the information that it has asked for.

... And the American people can now see and
be witness to all the corruption and bad ways
of the "Biden Brand"...

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Old 12-14-2023, 05:44 AM   #2
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The only reason the GOP keeps pushing to 'impeach' Biden, is because Trump was impeached.
They want to make impeachment something so common, that in the public's eye, it is meaningless.

It's the tactic of throwing your brother's juice on the floor so that you are even with them, after you dropped your juice on the floor.
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Old 12-14-2023, 06:53 AM   #3
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Oh, and just so people stop reporting me for mentioning Trump in this thread, I'm mentioning literally everyone. The GOP's agenda is to impeach people so much so that in the public's eye, it is just another meaningless news report. Just so that they can say 'well, our guy was impeached, so was yours!'

They're using impeachment attempts to make impeachment nothing but a frivolous news headline. So that the next time when a president has to be impeached, when it's a republican president, it doesn't happen because everyone is already sick and tired of hearing about impeachments.
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Old 12-14-2023, 10:27 AM   #4
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House Republicans seem to forget, or maybe they never knew, that you have to have a reason to impeach a President. Sorry, but "Hunter Biden" isn't a reason to impeach Joe. Lol. These fucking clowns.

Agreed that it's solely a tit-for-tat. They have nothing on Joe, and they're only doing this to normalize impeachment.
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Old 12-14-2023, 04:51 PM   #5
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
Oh, and just so people stop reporting me for mentioning Trump in this thread, I'm mentioning literally everyone. The GOP's agenda is to impeach people so much so that in the public's eye, it is just another meaningless news report. Just so that they can say 'well, our guy was impeached, so was yours!'

They're using impeachment attempts to make impeachment nothing but a frivolous news headline. So that the next time when a president has to be impeached, when it's a republican president, it doesn't happen because everyone is already sick and tired of hearing about impeachments.

... Hee Hee! ... Well, you DO have a point. So if Biden goes
- it'll be WHAT? Three of the last Five Presidents will have
been Impeached?? ... Will This be the new standard??

... But let's keep the discussion on THIS Impeachment
Inquiry of Biden and the evidence that will be shown.

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Old 12-14-2023, 05:00 PM   #6
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Lol. They have no evidence - it's all just made up, for show. Just like some other high profile Republican arguments lately: NO EVIDENCE
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Old 12-14-2023, 11:33 PM   #7
Salty Again
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... Now let's watch and let the House Oversight Committee
do their work.

... For Truth, Justice and the American Way! ...

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Old 12-15-2023, 07:43 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Hee Hee! ... Well, you DO have a point. So if Biden goes
- it'll be WHAT? Three of the last Five Presidents will have
been Impeached?? ... Will This be the new standard??

... But let's keep the discussion on THIS Impeachment
Inquiry of Biden and the evidence that will be shown.

#### Salty

Hey, you're starting to understand how the GOP is trying to turn impeachment into 'I DONT LIKE YOU WHA WHA WHA' to the President, rather than using it to actually impeach and remove corrupt Presidents.

The blues did it to Clinton, but he resigned because he knew he was in the wrong and the reds agreed and didn't fight it.

Then it was Obama's turn, and the reds couldn't think about anything other than 'a black man got into the white house! and he wore a TAN SUIT!!', but the reds didn't know what to do!

Then an oompa loompa got into office, and the blues impeached him because he was a morbidly corrupt old fart. But the reds didn't like that! They saw it as a personal attack on them!

So now the reds are doing nothing but raising their voices and yelling trying to impeach Biden. They aren't going to impeach him.They know they aren't going to impeach him.Their goal is to make the public sick and tired of heading 'impeach' so that if someone actually, truly needs to be impeached, the public won't care and any movement to impeach a future president will run out of steam.
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Old 12-15-2023, 09:35 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
The only reason the GOP keeps pushing to 'impeach' Biden, is because Trump was impeached.
They want to make impeachment something so common, that in the public's eye, it is meaningless.
Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
They're using impeachment attempts to make impeachment nothing but a frivolous news headline.
Originally Posted by tommy156 View Post
...it's solely a tit-for-tat... they're only doing this to normalize impeachment.

^^^ Your comments are a classic example of "projection".

You got everything backwards. Democrats are the ones who drastically lowered the bar on what should constitute an impeachable offense, not Republicans.

Heck, they were talking about impeaching Trump as soon as he was elected back in 2016, even before he was sworn in!

First, they hung their hats on the Mueller investigation - when that came up dry, they voted to impeach him over a fucking phone call!

Ironically, that phone call sought to shine light on precisely what the Republicans are now uncovering - Joe Biden's corrupt dealings in Ukraine!

Karma is a bitch, ain't it!

So... to sum up, the reason the Dems threw such a tantrum and frantically rushed to impeach Trump back in Dec. 2019 over a fucking phone call (for which he released the full transcript) was to keep everyone from learning the TRUTH - first in Ukraine and then everywhere else (China, Romania, Mexico, et al.) the Bidens have been corruptly sucking up cash to pay for an endless supply of hookers and blow and beachfront Delaware homes.

Heck, the Dems would've impeached Trump over the way he combs his hair! They're the ones who normalized impeaching over nothing! But when it comes to plain old bribery, corruption, and extortion - they act like the 3 monkies!

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Old 12-15-2023, 11:33 AM   #10
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Yes, they lowered the bar on what warrants impeachment. Yet Trump was still impeached.

It's almost like you do something illegal, you need to face the consequences.

Biden hasn't done anything illegal. They are only trying to impeach him because their last president was impeached.

It's a case of 'well i got mud on my shirt last year, so its only fair you get mud on your shirt this year!'
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Old 12-15-2023, 12:22 PM   #11
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House Republicans still haven't named a specific crime or produced any evidence. So, what the fuck exactly are they attempting to impeach him for?

Lol. This isn't karma. It's childish, 3rd grade nonsense from the party of immature stupidity and unfettered bigotry. Wake me up when they actually mention the crime Joe Biden committed or produce any evidence of it.
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Old 12-15-2023, 01:34 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by tommy156 View Post
House Republicans still haven't named a specific crime or produced any evidence. So, what the fuck exactly are they attempting to impeach him for?

Lol. This isn't karma. It's childish, 3rd grade nonsense from the party of immature stupidity and unfettered bigotry. Wake me up when they actually mention the crime Joe Biden committed or produce any evidence of it.

Nothing.They aren't trying to impeach Biden for any reason.

They are crying wolf. They were upset that their messiah got impeached, so now they are crying wolf with impeachment to mute it in the public's eye when it is going to matter if this fool gets elected again
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Old 12-15-2023, 07:47 PM   #13
Salty Again
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... A few of the evidence pieces are Joe's secret e-mail aliases
used so he could communicate with Hunter's business partners
in private... You should understand that they HAVE the e-mails.

They also have several whistleblowers who confirm things.
And surely confirm them UNDER OATH.

Then there's the banks themselves - who FLAGGED several of
the money transactions.

... And that's just some of the great things to be learned
as the Inquiry surely moves-about.

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Old 12-16-2023, 12:26 AM   #14
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Ok, but what's the crime?


What crime has Joe Biden committed?
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Old 12-16-2023, 07:29 AM   #15
Salty Again
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... You forget... Joe Biden was on as Vice President when
a number of these things were happening.

.... No need for us to look PAST the Facts and Evidence there, mate.
Temper some of yer enthusiasm and WAIT for the Committee to
reveal things.

Didn't they break for Holiday recess?
No doubt they'll be back to work soon... High-Ho.. High-Ho!

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