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Old 10-09-2022, 09:16 AM   #1
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Default Arlington information sharimg

So I posted a full list of massage businesses and nail salons in gp irving arlington that provides extras. A list of 25 businesses. Admiral giggles removed the list because it is a violation of posting policies. Because it was advertises for the businesses. Everytime you write a review you ate advertising for a business without information sharing this site is worthless. So if it's not a violation I will be more than happy to message you the list.
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Old 10-09-2022, 11:35 AM   #2
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Reviews are definitely advertisements for these places especially those reviews written by known promoters. Why do the mods allow announcements that provider X is starting at Amp Z or posts that list lineups in the review sections? As an example...

How are these not ads??? I'd like your list by pm.
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Old 10-09-2022, 01:05 PM   #3
Admiral Giggle
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You obviously didn't pay attention to the infraction I sent you and the reason why.

Posting the list is not a violation. But you posting the list of sexual services each place and gal offered is.

Let me refresh you while you're still playing the Victim Card in open forum. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but your list had the actual sexual services they offered.

The following also goes for the Promoters and Hobbiests who have been advertising the ladies of the AMPS/Studios.

As of September 2019, Eccie no longer permits advertising in its Forums.

While Providers are challenged now by the Eccie guidelines, many are trying to pique interest by use of the Eccie Forums.

Providers have always been able to post ThreADs to promote themselves and help to secure interest from the Hobbyists.

Hobbyists have also been permitted to post ThreADs to promote visiting Providers.

There is a fine line between a ThreAD and an AD.

By posting any of the items listed below, you change a ThreAD (as way to indirectly spark interest in you) into an AD (directly seeking appointments by announcing any of the following):
Seeking an Appointment
asking Hobbyists to contact you
informing/Asking a Hobbyist to contact the Provider/Agency/AMP
You may feel free to post it on OH2 or pacepro or feel free to create your own board.

Also, please respond to my inquiry about your other handle.
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Old 10-09-2022, 01:07 PM   #4
Admiral Giggle
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Originally Posted by ntxguy View Post
Reviews are definitely advertisements for these places especially those reviews written by known promoters. Why do the mods allow announcements that provider X is starting at Amp Z or posts that list lineups in the review sections? As an example...

How are these not ads??? I'd like your list by pm.
Let's refresh for those who refuse to follow the guidelines concerning promoting or advertising.

We are not on here 24/7. We catch them as we find them or when someone hits the rtm button.

The following also goes for the Promoters and Hobbiests who have been advertising the ladies of the AMPS/Studios.

As of September 2019, Eccie no longer permits advertising in its Forums.

While Providers are challenged now by the Eccie guidelines, many are trying to pique interest by use of the Eccie Forums.

Providers have always been able to post ThreADs to promote themselves and help to secure interest from the Hobbyists.

Hobbyists have also been permitted to post ThreADs to promote visiting Providers.

There is a fine line between a ThreAD and an AD.

By posting any of the items listed below, you change a ThreAD (as way to indirectly spark interest in you) into an AD (directly seeking appointments by announcing any of the following):
Seeking an Appointment
asking Hobbyists to contact you
informing/Asking a Hobbyist to contact the Provider/Agency/AMP
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Old 10-09-2022, 03:31 PM   #5
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But doesnt reviews have the list of sexual activities also. All i was trying to do was contribute to this site. I could see your point if i listed all the girls names that worked there and activities but most were just random. Promoters promote all the time and i have never promoted any girls. it was a random list. either way it was taken down and its down and a lot of people are missing out on really good information. like the other posted sad you should be deleting the real promoters that state this girl is returning to so and so on a certain date. because she problaly told them to post that and that is the same as a provider posting an ad which is illegal on this site now
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Old 10-09-2022, 06:05 PM   #6
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You seem to forget the number of Banned account happened when the Owners directed Staff to bring the AMP forum back into compliance with the Guidelines.

The Staff deals with Promoters when we find them, not just the belief of the Membership that so and so is a Promoter.

As to the Encounter Reports, the Owners of Eccie have established what is and is not acceptable in the various Forums.

Activities are permitted in the Encounter Reports per the Owners design.

Rates/Fees are also acceptable in the ROS per the Owners design.

There was another issue with the Thread you posted - It was posted in the AMP Encounter Report Forum and it was not an Encounter Report.

When it was moved to the appropriate Forum, it WAS NOT in compliance with the Owners design.

As noted by Admiral Giggle there is another issue that you have to resolve.

My suggestion is that you do so quickly.
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Old 10-09-2022, 06:13 PM   #7
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Not trying to challenge here. What was originally posted was essentially an aggregation of information that is already on the boards, typically in the AMP/Spa section. So if this is nothing more than somebody compiling known info.... I don't get it. Was it because some part of the info was not in a previous encounter post? Trying to understand.
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Old 10-09-2022, 07:01 PM   #8
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As Noted by Admiral Giggle earlier in this Thread.
Advertising is not longer permitted in the Eccie Forums.

Post the following in a Thread (Not an Encounter Report) is deemed by the Owners to be an Advertisement.
Seeking an Appointment
asking Hobbyists to contact you
informing/Asking a Hobbyist to contact the Provider/Agency/AMP
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Old 10-09-2022, 07:36 PM   #9
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So... even though all of the data is there in an encounter report, if you summarize or aggregate known data, it's a violation.

So this really pisses off the lazy bastards on the board that post shit like "who shall I see?" "who's the best at this or that" or "I'm going to be in Arlington on this date"....

Tough shit for the people that don't want to do a little due diligence! I also get that part of the argument. People want us to do the research for them.... because they can't figure it out. Thaiman- I saw the list and thank you.

But there is the issue of known promoters, and its blatantly obvious in several threads. When the consistently promote studios or shops....why doesn't their handle get shut down? NTXGuy provided known promoters... why do they not get clipped? Because they just barely miss the definition? Maybe a review of the rules may be in play again?
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Old 10-09-2022, 07:51 PM   #10
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As noted above
You seem to forget the number of Banned account happened when the Owners directed Staff to bring the AMP forum back into compliance with the Guidelines.

The Staff deals with Promoters when we find them, not just the belief of the Membership that so and so is a Promoter.
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Old 10-09-2022, 08:04 PM   #11
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I'll rest...but there's still some very obvious handles still in play....and have been in play for a while. In fact,...one just posted in this very section! Boom, there it is!
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Old 10-09-2022, 08:36 PM   #12
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What is known, often cannot be proved.
When proof is in hand, Action will be taken.
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Old 10-09-2022, 09:18 PM   #13
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How much proof do you need? You were given a couple of prime examples!

If it is known... then we know! WTF!
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Old 10-10-2022, 06:00 PM   #14
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What is known, often cannot be proven.
When proven to the standard established by the Owners, Staff will take action.
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